
joined 1 year ago
[–] Dravin@lemmy.world 3 points 2 weeks ago

From a recent vacation:

[–] Dravin@lemmy.world 5 points 5 months ago

I like the taste of Malta fine but I find it super sweet. I imagine adding sweetened condensed milk doesn't help that at all.

[–] Dravin@lemmy.world 1 points 6 months ago

BUT I have read in the past that it has some smelling problem which the manufacturer were not able to get rid of.

I know this is quite a bit of a long time to come back to a thread (someone posted a new comment so it has pulled me back) but I find there is a bit of a coffee odor retained even after washing. Nothing rancid or anything but you can tell it gets used as a coffee mug. I find the main culprit is the gasket on the lid. but I've found that if I want to make the effort a soak in baking soda water eliminates it but I find when it is full of coffee any new coffee scents aren't being harmed by the lingering coffee smell. I may just not be very sensitive to such things though.

[–] Dravin@lemmy.world 6 points 7 months ago

Honestly, I don’t. Because I make them better.

That is the situation in my household. My wife is one of those people who goes overboard on the primary filling and throws the proportions off. It isn't Katz's deli levels but it is noticeable.


Tinker's coffee is making yet another appearance. It seems every time I start thinking, "I should order some more coffee." I'm getting a text from them informing me they just got a new coffee in. So I'm still happily stuck on the Tinker treadmill. As always I prepared my coffee in French Press using the James Hoffmann method.

The fresh grounds were a bunch of chocolate, generic nuttiness, and a tart berry fruitiness (so basically what it says on the tin). When I went to break the crust in the French press prior to letting things settle I was smacked in the face with a sweet chocolate. Once I poured a cup the nuttiness had reasserted itself but I really wasn't getting any of the tart berry on the nose. The tart berry popped back up as once I started sipping as part of the after taste so it certainly reads chocolate and nutty dominate for me. It isn’t the most intriguing cup of coffee I’ve had but it is damn solid and I'm happy with it.

P.S. Given sweet chocolate can be interpreted a lot of ways they really missed the chance to give brigadero as a tasting note given it is a Brazilian coffee. Though I suppose that'd leave a bunch of people wondering what in the hell that is (for the curious).

[–] Dravin@lemmy.world 3 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I do it for every grinder. Minimal retention = less cleaning.

Yep. Those mornings I forget to introduce a bit of water I always kick myself because now I'm fussing with a brush for three times as long to get my manual grinder clean.

[–] Dravin@lemmy.world 7 points 10 months ago

Meijer and Walmart store brands of cheap ass white bread are 22 slices, Kroger is 21, and for a name brand example Sunbeam is 22. Nicer bread like Pepperidge Farm or Brownberry/Oroweat tends to be in the range of 16 slices per loaf (baring the thin sliced stuff) though.

[–] Dravin@lemmy.world 12 points 10 months ago (3 children)

Indeed. I can grab a loaf of cheap white bread from my local grocery store for under $2 which is cut into 22 slices.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Dravin@lemmy.world to c/coffee@lemmy.world

So can we talk mugs? I tend to make a half liter (~17 oz) of coffee in a French Press in the morning. I run into the problem that I get about a half hour to 45 minutes (I've never timed it this number might be wildly off) in before the, "Crap! Its getting cold!" moment and feel like I have to accelerate my consumption to avoid cold coffee when I'd prefer to keep going at a leisurely pace. I realize the most obvious solution is a couple of smaller batches but I'm lazy, easily distracted, and have a bit of a cutoff in the morning as my wife hates the smell of freshly brewed coffee and I catch a bit of drama if I'm brewing while she's awake or just before she wakes up.

I do have a Contigo Autoseal stainless steel travel mug that I use occasionally for cheap tea and it works well for retaining heat. I can sip on hot tea for hours but the lid has all sorts of nooks and crannies that retain coffee oils that is a pain in the ass to clean and it has a very small drink hole limits the orthonasal olfactory pathway (aka you can't sniff your coffee). The ability to take my drink somewhere is kinda nice but strictly speaking isn't critical for me.

So anyone mind sharing their experiences with features or even specific recommendations? Don't worry about if it is available in the US (where I'm located) I can always look at the features your favorite insulated or travel mug so it can still be handy to share. Or you may have a solution so elegant and obviously I'm going to facepalm when you point it out.

Overdue Update: I ended up going with a Carter Move and I'm quite happy with it. I appreciate everyone who gave me ideas and things to think about.


I used James Hoffmann's French press technique. So this is a full sized bag because they had a good sale on it and I decided to risk it for the biscuit.

So I got tons of green apple on the nose from the fresh grounds. Once it was brewed the raspberry showed up in a sort of jammy way and the green apple took back seat and lost the perception of acidity and became more of a regular apple for me. On the palate the fruit became sort of a generic fruit and the star was a nice sweet nuttiness. I'm guessing this is what they are calling cola candy on their tasting notes but absent spice and citrus it just doesn't trigger as cola (candy or otherwise) for me. All and all a very pleasant cup of coffee.

Tinker continues to leave me satisfied though to date my favorite offering of theirs remains the Jorge Rojas as cherry and chocolate are just hard too beat for my tastes. I swear one of these days I'll get around to trying another roaster.

[–] Dravin@lemmy.world 7 points 11 months ago

I keep going back to Star Trek Online for some star ship pew pew. I usually get a month or two in going back over the story arcs and participating in events until the constant event schedule makes me realize I'm trapped in the grind and not playing any other games. So I drop it to break free and play the rest of my game library. The community isn't something I really interact with as pretty much all of the game content is playable solo or antisocial (the team content is easy enough you can just random queue and don't really have to talk or strategize with them). It is overwhelmingly PvE (though PvP is technically in the game) and it has some fun lore if you are a Star Trek fan.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Dravin@lemmy.world to c/coffee@lemmy.world

Another batch of Tinker coffee. I think this leaves me having tried all their current offerings so I’ll need to decide if I want to look elsewhere to keep my sampling going (looks over at S&W Craft Roasting) or actually commit to a full bag. I got asked last time so I’ll state it up front that I’m just using James Hoffmann’s French Press technique. I realize coffee presents a bit differently when I actually use my Aeropress but I only pull it out for the rare afternoon coffee when my wife is out of the house*.

Don Mauricio: I mostly just got milk chocolate and a bit of fruitiness on this one. It was quite pleasant and I’d in no way turn down a cup nor am I going to find it a chore to finish the sample but it is not particularly interesting to me.

Jorge Rojas: The winner of this batch of samples for me mostly because I’m a sucker for cherry. I just grinned as I popped off the catch cup on my grinder and was just hit with the aroma of dark chocolate cherry. And that strong dark chocolate cherry stayed the star when I started drinking it. The melon showed as a sorta of cantaloupe-like musk on the back end. So a favorite fruit, some chocolate, and a bit of an evolution? Yeah, I’m here for it.

Laayyoo: A grape bomb for me, from grounds to sip it was front and center. The grape was supported by a different non-grape tart fruitiness and a potpourri quality which they’re obviously specifying as raspberry and lavender but my palate wouldn’t have picked them out as such. This came across as a bit muddied in my French press but trying it on my Aeropress helped sharpen things though didn’t bring anything new to light.

The idea that I’m not a fan of floral notes in my coffee is slowly being strengthened. I’m not going to write coffees with such notes off completely but I will be restricting any purchases to sample sizes unless things change. You might wonder why I’d keep buying samples but I enjoy trying new things even if at the end of the day I’m not a huge fan of them.

*For those who had a, “Whaa?” reaction. I find the French press to be more forgiving when I’m in a pre-caffeinated state. So shy away from the Aeropress for morning coffee. As for why my wife is relevant, she hates the smell of coffee so I only brew coffee when there is enough time for the smell to dissipate before she wakes up or comes home.