
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 3 months ago

How does this even make sense? You can't pay more in taxes than the earnings you're paying taxes on. If you deliberately cause a 10 million loss reducing your earnings by those 10 million and thereby saving a percentage of those 10 million in taxes, you're not very good at math, are you?

[–] 21 points 3 months ago

That's not true at all. We've not burned as little coal as today since 1959.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

It looks like an Octopath spin-off. Which is a good thing.

[–] 27 points 4 months ago

Article without tracking paywall bullshit.

So, the player frustration this quest is inspiring isn't a straight-up next entry in the long-running paid mods debate that's been going on within the Bethesda community with regards to the Creation Club for a while now, but rather folks simply being unhappy with the monetisation practices Bethesda's employing with regards to its own stuff.

I suppose that will be part of it, but it takes a load of willful ignorance to not see that the reason they distribute it this way is to ease people into the idea of using the infrastructure they ultimately set up to monetize other people's work (i.e. mods).

[–] 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

Classical green cope pattern, btw: "The people have a good heart but the devil of carbon is whispering in their ear".

You're misrepresenting me, I never said anybody had a good heart. People are hypocrites. In theory they are all for the greater good as long as their own personal cost is zero.

Secondly: Sleeper trains and ferries exist. In principle you can fall asleep in Spandau and wake up in Alma.

And how is that relevant to what I said? What point are you trying to make here? You can also bike to work, many people still prefer to drive.

Who the fuck thought mandating houses to get individual heat pump installations was a good idea

First, nobody ever planned to mandate that. It's a lie made up by Bild and the FDP. From the very beginning the only thing the heating law was going to mandate was that your heating had to run on 60% (I believe, don't cite me on the exact number) CO2 neutral energy. Heat pumps are just automatically assumed to fulfill this condition, regardless of the current energy mix in Germany. But it was always going to be up to you how you fulfilled this condition.

Second, it IS a good idea. You can instantly lose one entire set of pipes going into your home and you instantly more than halve your carbon emissions even with the current energy mix. Yes it works, yes it also works in a cold winter, and no you don't have to instantly insulate your entire home, renew your roof and all your internal piping. At least not if you don't live in a farm house from the 1930s that never had any work done.


Thing is: Ask scientists, they're saying district heating is the much better solution.

Which is an option and would have been an option under the original law.

Also, what actual scientist says that, as an absolute, no "ifs", no conditions?

Because the thing is, if your district heating runs on fossils, which most do, it does jack shit to combat carbon emissions and helps exactly zero.

Also, getting hooked up to district heating isn't free either.

It also doesn't help if your city maybe sorta plans to start planning district heating to be eventually implemented some time in the 2090s, but only if we have enough money and the next 20 governments don't change the plan along the way. Emissions need to be reduced now, not some day in the future if we feel like it. Decentralized solutions are faster and can be implemented by individuals without waiting for political decisions that could happen in 10 years or never.

This is an excuse to not have to act, nothing more.

[–] 13 points 4 months ago

Black is only marginally better. No reason for the west to feel superior.

[–] 26 points 4 months ago

Even voting on national issues this would be a load of BS.

[–] 13 points 4 months ago

That sounds an awful lot like what Hindenburg / von Papen thought they could do.

[–] 3 points 4 months ago (3 children)

I don't disagree that Habeck would have been the better candidate, I just don't believe he would have changed the outcome by that much.

In the end I think much of the difference between polls and election came from people saying they want climate protection, but in the end the yearly flight to Mallorca was more important.

[–] 9 points 4 months ago (1 children)

You act as though they could "solve the migration issue" even if they wanted.

[–] 18 points 4 months ago (8 children)

Sadly you can blame it on FDP for blocking every single positive thing this government might have done.

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