It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywher...wait...that's sands... Nevermind...
Auto Dealers : (adds "Market Adjustment" $$$ to offset the cheaper EV prices...) "Hey, why no one buy EV? We need a bail out!"
Go Team Venture!
Just empty the fridge and get in. Closed the door. Worked for Indy (Jones).
Peter Quill : Exactly like Footloose. Is it still the greatest movie in history?
"That still only counts as one"
That thing where you close your eyes, forget everything, and open them to end up (min/hrs) in the future!
Mario vs Stage 1-1 1st Goomba?
Mallrat to "Astrologers":
Ha ha ha ha. You dumb bastard. It's not a (goat)... it's a Sailboat.
I'll wait until first release to make sure it's bug CATCHING ON FIRE!
('cause unstable battery)