Not sure but add 1 to the count.
Same here. Haven’t been back since Apollo shutdown.
Honestly at this point, I’m not sure I’m missing out. Lemmy has been great so far and it’s only getting better.
There are dozens of us. DOZENS!
I'm reading a 7 month old reply but its nice here
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )
I'm still here! Thanks for the necro!
Since Reddit is fun was killed I refuse to go back. You don't kill a damn near perfect UI and get to keep my internet traffic.
My wife and I haven’t been back on since Apollo shutdown. I was/am so pissed about that shit. Fucking assholes.
According to Google trends, the people who left are an insignificantly small number, Reddit has still grown in search popularity over the last year. However, if you've browsed Reddit since the shutdown, you know that this isn't the whole story, engagement and quality are both down.
I haven't been back to Reddit since the first day of protests.
Not gonna lie though, I miss it. The niche stuff I went to Reddit for in the first place came here during the drama, but despite an initial push to get some replacement communities going here, they've gone almost completely inactive now.
Yeah I love Lemmy but I don’t see it taking off. The separation of federation instances is confusing for new users. There are plenty of communities but they all feel isolated due to the same community existing on multiple instances. There’s a reason why the biggest communities are all Linux/Programming related.
I feel like development of Lemmy has slowed the past few weeks too. I've been following plenty of issues on GitHub both on the front-end and back-end, and there just hasn't been any progress on them. It's a shame because Lemmy has so much potential, but I'm with you I just don't think it will take off. With that said, obviously I will keep using it, and I'm not going back to reddit. It's a shame because I really do miss the smaller niche communities on reddit but reddit is dead to me now because the CEO is really quite the dickhead and I refuse to go back.
I’m going to get crucified for this but without monetary incentive I don’t see improvements coming anytime soon. I respect the Lemmy creators but they’re running on donations and goodwill. Reddit/Digg had a team of dedicated employees working on the user experience because it was their livelihood.
This is true but aren't the two main Lemmy devs paid to work on this full-time? That's something at least, it's better than being truly unpaid to work on this.
Without actually having looked at the issue track but knowing how such things go down: Less visible progress should be expected right about now even presuming constant development efforts.
The great migration brought many users and uncovered various bugs and requirements for new features and devs have been scrambling to address as much of it as fast as possible -- which means going for low-hanging fruit first and if it's not low-hanging, hack around the issue to produce a quick fix. Now that the worst is over proper software development practice dictates that you should worry more about addressing technical debt you just incurred as well as refactor and redesign until high-hanging fruit are hanging lower so you can pluck them. Doesn't make sense to build 100 ladders when you can take an axe to the tree and fix everything with three very well-planned and executed strikes.
I didn't visit reddit on purpose for two full months. I still don't have the app installed.
I have to admit though I am visiting for game threads now that the NFL has started up. Sports is non-existent on Lemmy. I'm participating in the communities for my teams, but there's like half a dozen of us in each one. It just isn't the same thing and I realized that dicking around in comment sections is a big part of how I enjoy sports these days.
They're still not getting content from me, I'm not going to use their app. But it's hard to keep completely away when there is simply nothing even closer on lemmy or anywhere else.
Lemmy has been a decent replacement for /r/all browsing, but it's not at all a replacement for most of the subreddits I was actually subscribed to
I am trying to get the Pokemon instance talkative again but I'm just one woman
I could join up and everyone could laugh at me because I know almost nothing about Pokemon.
Count me in. I do really miss Reddit though and Lemmy is nowhere near as interesting as Reddit. But no one said protesting is easy.
Sure it is possible to estimate, but the chance the estimate is any better than a guess is pretty much zero.
The only definite number I have is one.
Less than I thought would to be honest...
Does it count people banned from Reddit?
I stopped using Reddit on my phone, which was most of my Reddit time, but I still use it on my PC.
On mobile I exclusively browse Lemmy.
I would totally migrate completely to Lemmy, but the general audience here is a bit too... radicalised for me. Sometimes I just want to relax, read some interesting link and interact in the comments.
To some extent groups like Lemmy and Mastodon are self-selecting for activists. People who are fed up with stuff and want to seek change. We're the people who see bad stuff happening and take action.
Just being here makes us radicalised, a bit.
I did. Said I'd be leaving when they did the API thing and stuck with it. Missed reddit for a week and then moved on. Sync for Lemmy is fine. Lemmy is quieter but there's also less bullshit.
Dropped Reddit and never went back.
Edit: Gotta take the flow and promote ! while this post is hot. A community for Bass-Guitar players I've been building since the Reddit blackout. Come join us!
That doesn't matter. People look for revenge on numbers and will like to see Reddit burn and fail.
But that is not what is important. You don't need to justify your decision by looking at how much Reddit loses, but if you are happy here in Lemmy.
The same goes if you left Twitter and switched to Mastodon. It's like feeling better if your ex is doing worse after you get apart. Empty satisfaction imo
"I'm doing my part" meme. Me, too!
I now mostly use Reddit to tell people about Lemmy