I was stuck in a waiting room today with Fox on and they were blaming diversity in the FAA. I commented loudly at how fucking ridiculous that was. They changed the channel shortly thereafter.
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No anti-nautilism posts. See: Eco-fascism Primer
Slop posts go in c/slop. Don't post low-hanging fruit here.
This is trying to be spun as an overworked understaffed air traffic controller problem when it was actually just the dumbass military’s fault.
They aren't mutually exclusive at all. In fact they are additive, aviation is actually very safe if you don't maximize profit.
Another factor that adds to those two is that the airport is operating over-capacity. The incident flight was only on the path it was on because it had to be rerouted last minute due to some "bunching" with the other landing planes. Fewer flights = much lower risk of getting jammed up = no redirects.
Another additive factor is that because of the "redirect", the flight crew is no longer on their planned flight plan in, but they are actively flying the plane to divert to a different runway. In itself, there's nothing unsafe about it. They agreed to it with ATC (who may have said "can't safely divert and land? Ok you have to go-around."). At the same time, it's a situation where they are operating at a higher capacity than if they were on a more routine landing, which is that much lower of a chance that they will avert the collision.
Also why does a military helicopter have to cross over a busy airport like at all? Apparently they mostly do training flights, so... wtf? Quit going over the DC airport
Training to get the politicians out of DC if there were an attack. I shit you not
This is my biggest question. Hot take, helicopter training flights shouldn’t happen within like 50 fucking miles of a passenger airport.
This is all coming out of my ass, but knowing what the military is like: some 18-20s year old losers love doing stupid shit. These losers are generally who the military recruits.
When I was in high school years ago, the hunting, gun loving, confederate flag wearing types all got in a pretty bad car accident because they were playing chicken with a tree and lost. (Drove 50mph into a tree)
Yeah ATC understaffing is definitely a problem but this was just a military helicopter pilot not doing what he was told
Can't wait for the WTYP episode about this crash
How is the show these days? I stopped listening a while ago, but I miss a civil engineering disaster pod.
Besides bad geopolitical takes, it's kinda just on cruise control at this point.
it's honestly a bit of a background listen to me. I'm a fan of Rocz and I like November even though she's a massive lib sometimes, but Liam is very annoying, so I'm just kind of zoning out occasionally while listening, but I still think it's overall good
Some twin towers Biggie level shit
Is there some connection between the twin towers and Biggie?
Biggie was shot in L.A. and then BOOM: 9/11 happened 4 years later
Too much of a coincidence. Wake up sheeple!
I believe he misremembered The Coup's album cover for Party Music, which shows the twin towers exploding. The cover was made in June 2001.
Bowser destroys the twin towers in the Super Mario Brothers movie (the good one)
No lol but didn’t know that! Interesting
Maybe referring to his bars in Juicy:
Time to get paid
Blow up like the World Trade
But the song came out in the 90s, the line was a reference to the '93 world trade center bombing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1993_World_Trade_Center_bombing
Aaaah makes sense. Ya people always forget about the earlier bombings.
There was an ATC i watched on youtube who does videos on near misses and iirc this lane has lots, I’ll try and find that to share and rewatch myself. I remember him talking about that particular military flight path and the issues there.
I heard someone on Democracy Now saying pilots fear National Airport more than any other. I guess Dulles is bigger and able to handle more traffic but it's kind of far from the district. All the lazy ass politicians and lobbyist flying in always go to National because it's close
All the lazy ass politicians and lobbyist flying in always go to National because it's close
: “silly commie, we NEED white men to be given special treatment because they’re the only ones capable of running things well!”
White people, running things “well”: