Yes, albeit with Vive Pro. The good: much better motion smoothness and reprojection as opposed to Linux SteamVR
The neutral: Monado is just a runtime, you need to get additional software to it, like WlxOverlay-S for desktop preview
The bad: Most older games utilise OpenVR. Monado is an OpenXR runtime, meaning games have to be translated from one to another. A software for this - OpenComposite, is not feature complete and your game compatibility will be a hit or miss. VRChat works okay, H3VR and No Man's Sky work but you can't rebind your controls. Some games don't work at all, like Boneworks.
Newer games however are running with OpenXR and there your mileage will be much better. Phasmophobia, Bonelab and Pavlov are such games and those work flawlessly