They think that just because you voted for a certain guy, it means you love him. Nope. I probably hate Joe Biden more than most Republicans do. Unlike them, I actually know some of his policies. Some of them are great. And some of them are wretched. But most of them are just business as usual bullshit when what we need is real change.
- Be civil and nice.
- Try not to excessively repost, as a rule of thumb, wait at least 2 months to do it if you have to.
Real change starts with organizing the working class.
How do you do that?
Many ways, but a good way to start is joining an org near you, like PSL or FRSO, or even the DSA with the intention of joining with Red Star Caucus (all US based orgs). Unionizing can be great as well, as long as you combine it with reading theory (I have an Introductory Marxist Reading List if you want somewhere to start).
Studying the history of worker organization and revolution helps teach us what we need to do, and can help guide us in analyzing how our conditions are similar and different to find a correct strategy.
You can't organize the working class with a "Marxist" reading list, maga was already told they don't like that word. Speak the ideology of unionization while avoiding the things that can be associated with Marxism, communism, socialism, while remembering they don't understand those things, they just have a trigger words they know to hate.
As an aside when speaking to maga, don't let the conversation ever be Dem vs GOP, always frame is as workers vs elites. In the former we are divided, in the later we have solidarity.
Edit: My response to many responses, I just said dont say marxism or communism because a huge percent of the population are literal sheep who have already been told thats bad, just make a new label, or better yet, just avoid giving it a label, keep it down to "we need to stop the elites/ruling class". Regardless, if you get a bunch of people to fall in line with this ideologically they can label it whatever they want at that point, sheep don't change their minds, so when they villanize the new label, or assign it to a preexisting label, you would hopefully already have enough on board outside of modern left/right bubbles that it can spread through traditional grass roots methods.
Historically, such a strategy doesn't actually work. Sooner or later, you get accused of being a godless commie or a tankie anyways. You can either stand firm in your beliefs and attempt to sweep away the dirt of the Red Scare to accurately contextualize Socialism and AES states, or fail to support them at all, leading to issues like Trotskyism (poor understanding of theory and a lack of support for AES) or PatSocs (Nationalist Socialists in the Imperialist countries).
What you're saying is exactly the discourse COINTELPRO promoted in US organizations in the 60s and 70s (when they weren't outright murdering the party members).
How'd that one work out?
It's easy to deflect workers off the path of real, lasting change when even the organizers only try to do sloganeering instead of education.
You can start by height. If that doesn't work you can try favorite ice cream flavor.
And no, boot leather isn't actually an ice cream flavor. There seems to have been some confusion about that amongst us workers lately.
Where in the world are you going with this? Anarchists espouse the importance of organizing in addition to Marxists, albeit in different manners and structures based on different end goals and class analysis. Surely you can give an actual Anarchist answer and not just a joke and a jab at Marxists, right?
You're right. Perhaps I need to touch grass. My "is this commenter worth actually expending energy" meter may be off.
And to be clear, there was no jab at marxists. There was a jab at the lack of working class solidarity and wealth cult that exists within my everyday context in the US. Which you aren't necessarily aware of and I wasn't explicit about.
Marxist and Anarchist end goals really aren't so different that it makes sense to foster any leftist infighting. We all ultimately want things to be better for everyone, especially the working class.
Ah, gotcha! I've seen way too many people making jabs at Marxists these days so I got defensive. I apologize, I got ahead of myself. I agree entirely that at this stage it makes no sense whatsoever to engage in hostile relations between Anarchists and Marxists, the goal remains a more equitable society and liberation of the working class, and are more useful to each other than non-useful.
We're about to get a shit load of real change. Business as usual would have been a good election outcome this time.
Not good, still bad, just better than "holy shit why are we driving OFF of the cliff at full speed stop STOP! STOOOOOoooooop...."
Trump is driving off the cliff at 100 mph, Biden was driving off it at 90. "We're technically better" -- when part of that argument includes doing hypothetically less genocide -- is a losing platform. You have to seriously promise major improvements.
I think what he meant was we need positive change. Burning our own country down is definitely change, but... well, I guess it's what the (fucking traitorous) voters wanted, so... buckle up.
Indeed, it's like "You think you're owning the libs? Mother fucker my very existence complicates their plans."
We are reaching levels of based never seen before.
History in the making.
Nothing ever feels like it improves under centre-ground status quo politics. If things are miserable, they remain miserable.
I probably hate Joe Biden more than most Republicans do. Unlike them, I actually know some of his policies.
Every day I get down on my knees and pray to the Sweet Baby Jesus that we get the kind of Far-Left Super-Woke Anti-Imperial Anti-Racist-Baby Red Diaper LGBTQ Sicko Pinko Communist that the average FOX News Republican keep insisting Democrats elected.
Joe could go out like a real chad if his last words as president are: "It's Joever"
A real Chad would have Trump and friends disappeared.
I'd prefer he pardon Luigi.
He'd sooner sentence him to death.
"We're capitalists, sweaty"
Arguing politics with someone who thinks 'let's go Brandon' is useful argumentation is like arguing religion with someone who never read their holy book or science with someone who barely passed 5th grade, their whole position is as superficial as possible and they think name calling is effective discourse in general because it works on people who are uneducated on the topic and rhetoric like themselves.
The chud persecution complex is a weird combination of paranoia and martyrdom.
Lol it's me and my dad.
Many such cases 😔
My condolences.
My dad: You and your best friend Obama.
Me: For the hundredth time, I hate Obama. I probably hate Obama more than you.
My dad: Yeah, you love Obama.
It is also orthodox christmas tonight.
In the current environment Ded Moroz is going to get tracked on NORAD but only because they're trying to shoot him down, and then claim that his ~~balloon~~ sleigh was full of surveillance equipment
Epiphany is the day that some believe that Jesus was circumcised.
I mean the Trumpists got what they wanted 🤷♂️
Trumpists: "We did it! We won! Trump is President! What's the first step to Making America Great Again?"
Elon: "I think we're going to increase the number of H1-B visas."
Vivek: "Definitely more East Asian immigration. That's what this country needs more than anything."
Trump: "Sounds good to me."
Trumpists: "... wtf?"
Oh yeah, 100% "leopards ate my face" vibes
No. Because I don't care what dumb people think.
Conservatives certainly do love their sadistic epistemology
Its also Epiphany, my mom would celebrate on the 7th so she would get rosca de reyes on sale and I didn't know better until I reflected as an adult.
I never understood the let's go Brandon meme. What is it trying to say?
It means 'fuck Joe biden', there was some NASCAR thing where people were chanting 'fuck Joe Biden'. It was being reported on and the reporter relayed it as 'lets go brandon' and it became a meme on the right.
The meme in this thread is about how American conservatives completely miss the nuance of why people on the left actually oppose both them and centrist Democrats. It's easier to do childish shit and just assume that everyone to their left is some form of liberal who loves Joe Biden. The good news is they're not getting younger.
Honestly this is very unimportant. It has no lasting impact, and will be forgotten by most later