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I think what Putin wants more than anything is for countries to stop arms deliveries to Ukraine. And what I see is that the Linke want that too.
So, they are aligned at this.
You just can keep construction your BS, that doesn't change that Die Linked opposes Putin and other autocrats. I see no point in furthering this discussion since I don't like running headfirst into brick walls. Bye.
The real reason is you can't argue what im saying.
Look, I don't think the Linke is actually on Putins side. I'm saying they are stupid and doing Putin a favour even if they don't want to. It's the same with the Left in my country.
Also: tankies exist. And often they will exist in the most left party. So it's not completely out there to expect there might be some genuine affection for Putin there. There is in my country.
But the tankies just left and created their own party, the BSW.
Also I find it stupid to compare two parries from different countries to say they're the same because they lean in the same general direction.
I'm not saying they are the same, but they are both strongly on the left, I checked and they have the same policies, very sensible policies in my opinion. And they both oppose weapon support for Ukraine.
I did a google search and without any problem found groups associating with Die Linke that are tankies. Marx21, Kommunistische platform.
So yeah pretty similar. Both very problematic in the sense of their connection to Russia and Putin.
Dude, let's just end it here. I have no idea where you're from and what party from.your country you're talking about. Neither of us has enough knowledge about each other's party to really talk this out, especially not about the actual processes inside the parties. A quick google search will not give sufficient insights and you refuse to acknowledge viewpoints and insists that do not conform to your superficial judgment, which is really pissing me off. Bye.
They want to stop arms delivering in itself. But if that means Ukraine will fall they won't stop it now.
They won't stop it? What does that mean? Would they increase it if USA stops for instance?
Are you asking me what "not stopping" means?
I don't know about an increase.
I'm asking are they on board with supplying weapons. Do they understand that there is no other way. Or are they so reluctant that they will change their mind when an opportunity for that occurs?