Extreme wealth has a deadening effect on the super-rich – and that threatens us all
Discussion of climate, how it is changing, activism around that, the politics, and the energy systems change we need in order to stabilize things.
As a starting point, the burning of fossil fuels, and to a lesser extent deforestation and release of methane are responsible for the warming in recent decades:
How much each change to the atmosphere has warmed the world:
Recommended actions to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the near future:
Anti-science, inactivism, and unsupported conspiracy theories are not ok here.
the article misses the mentality of the mega wealthy. the reason the guy with the 300K boat isn't happy is because hes thinking about the guy with the 400K boat. that guy also isn't happy because of the 500K boat guy, and so on. what matters to them is having the most shit to flaunt, and if you're a poor, then you're making a mistake if you think you even exist to them in any capacity other than as a potential tool to make them more money
I think the latest insights are showing that it is more than just that though.
Extreme wealth also leads to mental health issues. Paranoia (leading Zuckerberg to build a $260M bunker in Hawaii), god complexes (people like Trump and Bloomberg running for president) and just general anti-social tendencies, like Musk buying twitter and impregnating SpaceX employees.
Pedophilia also deserves a special mention. Look a level deeper at the Epstein situation. Note that they were mostly after post-pubescent young girls, so it wasn't the "I am attracted to pre-pubescent kids" type of pedophilia, but the "I am so powerful, I'm going to eat the forbidden fruit" type of pedophilia.
There should definitely be a cap on wealth.
I think this is more of a correlation != causation issue. I think it’s more likely that the kinds of people who have the traits to seek obscene wealth also tend to be people with a higher probability for mental health issues.
IMO to be driven to collect as much power and money as possible is harmful to both one’s self and those around you.
A lot, I dare even say most, of these people are born into wealth though.
The more rags to riches type of people tend to be more normal.
Very true, however that fact seems to support the idea that those who seek wealth are from families who also sought wealth, and it may be, in many cases, that it is a genetic predisposition. Which also supports the idea that it’s possible that this could be a mental illness passed generationally. We just don’t attribute the behavior to mental health due the cultural conditioning that wealth is good.
I mean no one thinks eating, and eating consistently and reliably is bad, but when you see someone eating everything they can get their hands on, most people would agree that’s bad. Obese children are often born into obese families…
Fair enough. The old nature vs nurture strikes again.
As a counterpoint, DNA gets very diluted very quickly, so someone like Prince Andrew has basically zero DNA in common with the earliest English kings.
On the other hand, that's one of the most f-d up family trees in the world, so just the inbreeding could explain a lot.
So true. My boss makes about a million a year and gets whiny whenever we deal with clients that make more than him. He has plenty of money but that will never buy the parental love that he didn't get as a child.
I thought these paragraphs addressed that:
Desire is suffering
Tao te Ching, Le Guin
pretty much, yep, except for the general disdain/disgust for the have-nots
~~Wecan fix that attitude by making them "commoners." Tax them harder.~~
Edited because looking at large swaths of voting poor, nevermind.
If managing your wealth is a full-time job, just hire another person. If getting whatever you want doesn't make you happy, it's not the money's fault, you just don't know what you want. Do some self-actualizing and try again on Monday
Thats not the mentality of the mega wealthy, thats a childs mentality (it applies to the simplest/cheapest of things all the ssame, and you can recognise the same behaviour in adolescent animals as well) - however the rest of us are forced to grow up.
And it's also why some people are able to stop working (and stop investing too) once they have enough for a normal life with reasonable comfort ... which is often financial security & personal health (ie less or no stress) more than things like having 5 maids/a new boat/showing off money for the sake if it.
But what I just described I feel like should be the goal of humanity, a goal for us to collectively achieve for all humans. We have enough production power I'm sure, it's our cultural stagnation that betrays us.
Key word: collectively. It seems it would take more stress and energy to hoard and guard, than simply work to the benefit of everyone. There will always be outliers, on either axis. I don't really think that matters, in terms of achievement.