We could be, but are also avoiding a lot of drownings that are likely if we try disassembling it while at sea
We are very very far from anything like the Star Trek prosperity society though. I'm not expecting changes to monetary policy to be able to get us there either; they're a way to moderately improve peoples' lot, and to shift the balance of power from capital to labor and tiny bit
It was part of how we got out of the Great Depression — it transferred money from the owning class to people who had debts. We don't actually want to go back to gold (or any other non-inflationary currency) because it gets rid of the flexibility to do that, which part of how we prevent bad recessions from turning into deflationary recessions.
In any case, having fiat currency, or not, is a separate issue from whether the US will actually pay its debts as promised. And it's the debt payment that Trump is putting in question.
A lot of countries have defaulted without doing that. I'm a lot more concerned that it'll cause an interest rate spike, with associated stock market crash, and bring on a sharp cut in business investment and employment.
Yeah, I think the fact that they were running stories on the seedier side of the tech industry created a bunch of contacts and background knowledge which made a lot of this reporting possible.
That's what happens when you have an unlimited plastic surgery budget and have forgotten what the uncanny valley looks like.
Because they were doing it at work, where other employees saw them. Other people having sex in front of me is generally inconsistent with getting work done.
That's definitely the problem. If we can catch them violating it, it might eventually mean contempt of court, and putting some of the people responsible in jail.
That was the racist eugenics one. This one didn't resign from the government.
Yeah. Most of the tech industry intern firings I'm aware of are for sex with other interns at work. Horny teen learns self control is a story they can tell.
Leaking trade secrets is not.
That's the problem with being on the side of the rule of law: you're constrainted by it, but the side of lawlessness is not.