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Manual curation of great Lemmy discussions and threads

founded 1 year ago

Rewrite: September 2024

Welcome one and all to BestOfLemmy! The goal of this community is "manual curation". Please post good (or best!!) posts you find around Lemmy, highlighting the discussions, communities, and people that make up the Lemmyverse.

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EDIT: Discussion in this Welcome Thread is extremely loose. Its important for any community to have a place for freeform discussion, including meta-criticism and wandering off topic, so that individuals are free to express yourself. I won't be moderating this topic as much as other posts however. Still feel free to report posts that cross the line, but comments here specifically are intended to be more freeform.


Serious question: what do you think publicly repudiating Israel would do for the democrats' chances of willing the presidential election? It makes sense for them to say nothing publicly while privately trying to tie down those loose cannons.Honestly I suspect it would do the opposite, Lemmy is a bit of a echo chamber and while users here heavily skew towards favoring Palestine in this, or at least condemning what Isreal is and honestly has long been doing to them, the US as a whole, even the base of the democratic party, has long been at least mildly friendly towards Isreal, and a large fraction will see Hamas's attack as justifying Isreali action. It's a bit of a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation for the dems I think where their current path angers progressives on the left, and actively sanctioning Isreal would probably anger the more center-right side of the party, and they need both to turn out to win. They probably figure that at the end of the day, the left either is mostly younger people that don't vote as reliably, or will bite their tongues and vote for them, because, well, if you're given only two possible futures, both evil, and a choice between them, one has a moral obligation to choose the lesser evil, no matter how evil that lesser is, just because by definition, the greater evil is worse. But the center-right, they probably figure, probably don't care about what is happening as much, and will feel much less uncomfortable about just voting for the republicans instead if the dem candidate doesn't do what they want.

That being said, it doesn't really much matter, ethically, if not helping kill tens of thousands of innocent people makes it slightly harder to win political power for yourself, it's still a pretty horrible excuse. Nobody sitting in a jury would let someone go free if they were accused of being an accomplice to a murder, if that accomplice's defense was "well, I'm running for mayor, and if I didn't help the murderer, his friends probably won't vote for me". Like I get that Kamala isn't really calling the shots on that, being only vice president currently, but she doesn't seem like she intends to change how Biden has handled the situation much.

Don't get me wrong, I am voting for her, I'm not one of those people that thinks that it is somehow noble to just let the greater evil win if it means not taking an action that helps the lesser evil beat it, I think that the going for the best outcome plausibly available is always the right thing to do and that doing the reverse because "well my hands are clean" is a misguided and self centered way to do ethics, but like damn people (to which I mean the people that actually side with Isreal in this, and the DNC I guess, not they they see my tired internet ranting), just because the other option is as close as the country has come in a century to "literally Hitler" does not mean that you have to emulate Churchill refusing to help the Bengalis.


well. to my everlasting shame it was the very website this post features. I got hooked in when it was still part of reddit. I was an angry young adult coming out of a terrible home situation and their collective “righteous fury” was appealing. after the move to a separate website, it just got worse and worse. hexbear, formally known as chapochat, had destructive drama outburtsts every single week right from the start.

I think it started with thousands of active users and rapidly dwindled down to only a few hundred because of how hostile and rigid it was. I was one of the few who stuck around because my warped sense of the world didn’t reveal how bad it was yet. I thought about quitting during many of these ridiculous “struggle sessions” as they called them. but something kept me hooked.

when the current ukraine-russia war started, the cracks were widening. a subsection of hexbear started to dominate. they were more openly bloodthirsty. they stopped pretending to care about the common people, which is what I cared about, and were cheering on the killing of civilians and conscripted soldiers. they posted videos of ukrainians getting shot and blown up accompanied with the site’s absurd emojis and weird in joke phrases. they were also just extremely hostile to anyone who wasn’t lockstep with their view. they would use vicious insults and accusations against naysayers and the mods would almost always rule on their side.

I rarely ever participated in the arguments up to that point because I didn’t see a reason to, but I got in fights with people about this. they were treating war like a football game and it really rubbed me the wrong way. but then that subsection of the site started to contain themselves mostly to the “news megathread” which I could easily ignore.

I became less and less interested in hexbear as time went on. I think other people were noticing these disturbing trends too because the number of active users dwindled down to around 150-200. the remaining users were the worst of the worst. so fucking mean and nasty, in that abusive family type of way. they proclaim themselves to be friendly, proclaim hexbear to be a welcoming and caring community, tightly knit, when behind the curtain they are horrible to each other. of course I had only ever known that type of life so I didn’t see it for what it was and continued to use the site.

I finally had a breakthrough internally and got the courage to go to therapy and try to reckon with the damage my upbringing did to me. and once that started to work, hexbear’s rose tint rapidly faded.

now I look back on my several years as a hexbear user with so much embarrassment. I can’t believe how much hatred was in my heart. I try to forgive myself and remember that I was young and broken and taken advantage of by malicious people online but I was old enough to know better. once in a while I’ll check hexbear out just to remind myself of how much I’ve grown and improved. I see people in there who claim to be in their 30s and 40s and i feel disgust at how they are manipulating young adults and even kids as we see here. I feel sad for them too. I don’t think anyone that old would be part of such a group if they didn’t have a seriously damaged worldview.

wow. sorry to dump on you. just seeing someone so young get roped into hexbear brought up a lot of feelings.


Behold the matching forearms of Lemmy:


I visited for the first time around this year. It was incredible. The people were so nice. The Palestinian children I met in Israel were incredibly rude and surprisingly well-dressed considering we were all playing on a playground. My aunt and cousins were translating what they were saying to me and encouraging me to say rude things back that they’d translate. Reflecting on that: weird fucking experience and incredibly sad overall.

The people within Palestine were so polite, accommodating, and eager to share their culture. Many of them appeared to have meager means, but seemed so happy.

I saw an old Jewish man fall from a chair and hit his head on the stone ground near the western wall. Blood sprayed out and began quickly pooling. His family rushed to his side, but most of my fellow Jews ran away. Some to seek aid, most to flee from the inauspicious event at this holy site. But the most people who rushed to directly help this man we’re Arabs, presumably Palestinian, using their nicest holy garments to help a bleeding stranger and offering him water.

Years later, it hit me: the rude rich Palestinians I met at the playground weren’t acting that way due to cultural or religious differences, it’s because they were rich assholes repeating rich asshole shit. And their presence at the playground was only because their family could afford to live in Israel. But my aunt and cousin? They absolutely were making everything about race and religion. It had been trained into them and they were trying to train me. This was all pre-Netanyahu.

When my cousin got older, he started taking classes to learn Aramaic and Arabic so that he “could understand the enemy better” for intelligence purposes and tell them in their own language that he was going to kill them. He became a volunteer police assistant so that he could get gun training. Then he was allowed to police areas with high Palestinian populations.

It was during this that he learned how incredible Palestinians were and that most of their aggression was due to misinformation and fear. He never killed a single Palestinian and eventually became a more vocal advocate for their human rights. He knew that, given the chance, they’d kill him in a heartbeat but he also recognized that the impulse was driven into them by oppressive regimes. He even got the rest of his family to recognize the fraught existence of being treated like an unwelcome guest in your own home. A fugitive for merely existing…

When I visited Israel years later, I was being driven out to the military base to visit another cousin. Israel had expanded its borders; next to the highway where we were traveling, I saw fenced off vacant homes with tanks driving through them. “Oh cool!” I said, “are they doing training over there?” My cousin’s parents sadly explained to me that I was looking into Palestine. The people had been temporarily evacuated from their homes and the Israeli government was ensuring that “they won’t have homes to return to.”

After October 7, the first cousin I talked about hasn’t been the same… His unit was one of the first reactivated and mobilized; he was at the site within half an hour of the attack. What he saw of the dead and mangled still haunts him. The things he’s seen and done that go completely against his moral compass… The guy who used to laugh and tell me stories about getting stabbed by a Palestinian at a checkpoint and only arrested her because he’d do the same in her position; the guy who has caught and thrown grenades avoiding casualties; the guy who was arrested for refusing to needlessly fire into a crowd of protesting Palestinians. His clean conscience appears to be gone and sometimes he just disappears into whatever dark images he can’t seem to shake.

The place you see in that photo probably is gone. The people are gone. They were gradually eroded away. Any hope I had to see them again disappeared after October 7. The Israel I remember is gone, too… It’s been fanned into an inferno of hated that will likely last generations. The spirit of the Palestinians can’t be erased, though. I hope someday to see that spirit reflected in their society. I hope to see the warmth I remember of Israel shared once again by its people.

I hope that the next time I see my cousin that he remembers all the good he’s done and that he’s accepted what he’s done. I imagine he’d sooner go AWOL. I wish Israel and Palestine could forgive and reconcile, but I’ve lost about all hope to see humans treating each other humanely in that region within my lifetime…


(The title you see below mine is the wording chosen by the OP of the full post - I hope I do not cause offense, but I cannot control it showing up here as it is linked.)


This explanation has pictures, and I learned me a thing or two from it!

Here's a (grainy, blurry) screenshot, if you don't feel like clicking away to read the comment in its original glory:


Hilarity Ensues

Edit: Swapped link to a screenshot
Link to post:


Great knowledge by the OP and a commenter!



... I think learning about Nicholas II really contextualized fascism for me. The tsar was a traditionalist authoritarian rather than a fascist, but he really shows, I think, how ordinary people can hold totalitarian beliefs and still be ‘good people’ (note that I would never call the tsar a good person, but bear with me). Oftentimes people say “X is fascism” but quickly backpedal if real-world comparisons are drawn between family or friends. “They’re a good person!” they object, “Just misguided! Not like the other rubes!”

But Nicholas II shows the face of genuinely conservative authoritarianism. The face of the mediocre man, who puts no deeper thought into his beliefs than to parrot what he was raised with and stubbornly resist all challenge to that. He was not exceptionally cruel in terms of personality. I think probably a significant minority of ‘nice’ people, in Nicholas II’s circumstances, would have turned out just as big a piece of shit as he was. ...

see here for the full comment by @PugJesus:

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

The French may not have the first democracy, may not have the best democracy, but they have had to fight harder than most for their democracy.

  • paraphrasing from an audio tour by Rick Steves, I think.

Edit: oops, i flipped words in the title

Ennnnnnnn passante (
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

I believe we can do it


A really good explanation that I felt deserved to be highlighted.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

icon used on

Originally a light-hearted post poking fun at and doing a survey to gather input, but it has turned into a thought-provoking deeper dive into what it really means to be someone that people would call a "tankie". Note that to some (die-hard conservatives), we all are "tankies" on the Fediverse, but is there a meaning beyond the pejorative of merely "holding a belief that I do not personally agree with"? Come and join the fun, or read about the community consensus even long into the future?

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