Seems our institutions are promoting barbarism at this point. As Luigi put it: it's just power games at this point.
The wealthy can't hide from the Children of Kali.
That should certainly be the expectation
The badge lets others know you're a masochistic
Is energy being conserved? Because otherwise you would have an infinite energy source....
Brazil actually held their coup actors accountable.
Is joining a union an individual action or a social circumstance?
I guess my point is that environment (social circumstance) and individual behavior is a gradient. Drawing a clear line between the two so that "individual behavior" is the largest share might actually be unhealthy framing as it takes out of focus how an individual might improve their circumstances.
Individual behavior basically includes what kind of job you're working, because that definitely impacts much of those other behaviors like sleep and quality of food.
People's political views are too diverse for there to be a moderate middle and this has been known for a while:
Jesus did not get along with the wealthy or their politicians.
It's simple really, facts don't matter to these people, only power.
People are not a monolith. Those without standards have no reason not to vote Trump. Those with standards have reasons to not vote for either.