
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

How the average quality from those IKEA plugs?

In my experience Ikea quality in electronics range from ok to a big ball of crap without any apparent way to distinguish in which side they are.

Thank for the suggestions, I will take a look because it is true that I focused myself on the link manager but perhaps a link sync tool could do the job.

Thanks again

I didn't know floccus, I will take a look.

Thanks for the suggestion

Thanks for the suggestion, but as far as I know there is not any plugin for the browser available, right?



Small question to this incredible community.

Does anybody have a good suggestion about a link manager with plug-ins for different browsers?

If it could also support Samsung browser would be an incredible plus.

In my use case I intent to (easily) save some links for reading later and the integration with a mobile browser is fundamental to make the things easy.

Thanks in advance!!

[–] 5 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Take a look onto he following image:

There is always a subjective component in this kind of discussions but this image will help you to see if yiur setup will make sense based in the real perception of the human eye.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago

The learning curve is a bit steep but his guide is awesome

In the other hand, the public trackers are dominated by English and, at least I, I couldn't find a lot of Spanish dual movies better than the 720p

In any case, if you can gain access for a Spanish private tracker with radarr support, let me know

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

Thx, I will keep in mind, but I have consumer grade hw and I am afraid that vlan in my switch is not possible.

I any case thanks for the bunch of tips

[–] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

The you recommend to mount them via the hypervisor?

I was certainly planning to use it in the vm itself....

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

Thanks for the comment, I will try to check but performance should not be an issue. In the end it is personal selfhosted service.


Hi all,

I need to exposs an iscsi disk to be used as a main disk in a vm. Because I am pretty new in this solution I would like to ask some tips and good practices to avoid making rookie mistakes that can really hit the performance or availability.

What are the common things I should take into account before deploying everything?

Thanks in advance

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

If you think something similar to Instagram could solve your problem, check this:

Also, it should be trivial to expand it to the rest of the family

[–] 39 points 7 months ago

Super good, it is increíble useful and the ability to find any document in almost any place in seconds in awesome.

Once this is said, you need to stick to a process and it is time consuming, and of course, you need to manually review the automatics tagging feature.

So, It is not a set and forget like most of the people expect

[–] 2 points 8 months ago

Best answer to your question, try to stick to it


Hi all,

I drop this question here to see if somebody is already facing the same problem.

As a catastrophic recovery plan of my password manager I keep an encrypted copy of the database + some portable apps in a Dropbox account. The idea is that if one day I am suffering a big problem with my Handy and I am away of my computer (or just awoken naked in the middle of the forest) I can recover my digital identities so I can send t least an email.

I was using Dropbox but recently I discovered that sometimes they send a confirmation email when they think something suspicious is going on.

Can anybody recommend a storage provider without those annoying confirmation emails?? If they accept weak password in this case it would be a plus

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