Not their identity, their sex.
As long as you are an identity obsessed leftist
Am I supposed to take this as a kindness or some kind of threat? I couldn't give a rats fart what any of the loonies on this site think anything I say
I came here thinking it may me a more sane alter to Reddit, holy shit I was wrong.
This is like 2016 tumbler, but you all think then world is like this
No. Those are not boys
Pointing out people are crazy? Guilty
That is a fraction of a fraction of a percent of people. Making all toilets wheelchair accessible would probably help more.
Problem is, women hate it when men use their toilets
Fyi, the reason it's noteworthy is he put them in boys toilets and boys don't menstruate. Which is weird
Also, I don't accept I was "assigned a gender at birth". That's like a person of faith saying when I got a sole. Believe what you want, but don't expect me to join in.
What are the origins of the word "cis"?
So, even if I don't like it, I have to accept being called that? My preferences don't matter?
Non binary is a fad that we will not hear about in 15 years
I'm not a republican.