
joined 2 months ago
[–] 2 points 16 hours ago

Believe me, I'm with you. But a complication to this is that insurance companies employ millions of people. Nationalizing them needs to take all those livelihoods into account, and would be nearly impossible without going full on socialist (which I am completely for, I don't think it's feasible to continue a capitalist system when it is clearly breaking down and killing the planet while doing so.)

[–] 7 points 4 days ago (1 children)

You're preaching to the choir here, friend. I've been trying to shake people on the shoulders and get them to understand this for a while now.

[–] 14 points 4 days ago (3 children)

The slightest bit of material analysis exposes the whole thing, but the minute you add "Marxist" to that sentence everyone shuts their brain off because of over a century of red scare nonsense. As designed.

[–] 177 points 1 week ago (6 children)

When you Google for "best whatever" and land on a reddit thread, take some time to look at the histories of the people commenting.

You'll find many cases where the only post they've ever made was for that product, and cases where the person posting the question also posts in the comments with an answer, like they forgot to switch to alt accounts.

A lot of it is obvious SEO marketing nonsense. Trust nothing. The entire Internet is trying to scam you. Enshittification, indeed. This used to be a nice neighborhood before the capitalists moved in in the 90s.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Here's me discovering socialism, new to the (actual) ideas but vibing with them pretty well.

Start talking about it online.

Anarchist: fuck you you stupid fucking tankie.

I had no idea what a tankie was, but I figured out real quick that anarchists are the angsty atheists of the political world.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (2 children)

When eating chicken wing flats, if you pry the bones apart you can slip them out and you're left with a single piece of meat you can eat whole. You don't have leftover bits in the middle of the two bones.

Also, keep nitrile gloves in your glove box or purse and use them when eating messy things like wings and ribs and cake.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Republicans say the same exact thing about Democrats. And they're both right. Imagine that, common ground we could all get behind. But no, it's not those elites that are our enemies, it's definitely each other. The elite controlled corporate media I consume makes that very clear.

[–] 67 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

". . . . except as a punishment for crime . . . ."

Slavery never stopped, it just evolved. There's a reason black men are so overrepresented in the prison system.

The US is a fascist country. If you live here and you don't feel it, you are benefiting from it.

[–] -2 points 1 month ago

Yes. The elites want to keep us on the edge of sustainability and at each other's throats in order to keep us from seeing what's right in front of our eyes. They build their empires on our backs. They exploit us and take the fruits of our labor and sell them back to us at unaffordable prices. You resorting to thought terminating cliches, insinuating I'm a Russian bot or troll is playing right into that.

I'm not your enemy. I'm a person who has a different perspective than you. I think you're a potential ally in the coming struggle, and I don't hate you for not sharing my ideology.

"What should I do that's different?"

First, arm yourself and train. Second, educate yourself. Third organize.

This system is collapsing, and that collapse is accelerating. It would be in your interest to prepare for that.

You should read political and economic philosophy. If you can't articulate why someone would be attracted to Trump without resorting to insults you could probably use a little exposure to things outside your comfort zone. I'd recommend reading "A people's history of the United States" by Howard Zinn to see how the elites in this country have employed propaganda and force to suppress movements that dare to threaten the ruling class (and the atrocities we commit overseas in order to prop up our empire.) After that, the classics of the left have some pretty good ideas for how to organize a society.

Organize. Join or form a union. Participate in mutual aid networks. Learn what prefiguration is and try your best to help prepare for what comes after. Build networks both on and offline and share ideas, challenge each other.

Question your own beliefs and ideology. Try to look at them with fresh eyes. Follow them to their logical conclusions.

"If anyone is playing into anybody's hands to undermine democracy"

Friend, democracy was undermined in this country before it ever had a chance to get off the ground. It was founded to pursue the interests of white land and slave owning rich men and hasn't changed much in the intervening time.

The "good" thing is that capitalism is unsustainable and will collapse under its own weight - we just have to hope it does so before it kills us all and that we still have a chance to salvage the planet.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

You can hardly blame them. It's a 24/7 onslaught of propaganda and it's incredibly difficult to break out.

And even when I initially woke up out of it I frequently questioned my sanity. Is this real? Is this actually what's happening? How can nobody else see this?

And then I wanted to go back to not knowing because of the incredible weight that knowledge puts on your shoulders, but it's impossible. There's no going back, at least for me.

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