
joined 6 months ago

Does anyone know if there is a way to make the Web browser (Firefox-based in my case) ignore audio volume control commands coming from a site? Youtube has its automatic levels thing that it's forcing on me and I can't even disable it. (It's disabled and grayed out, but still happening.) Every time I open a new video it has changed the application volume to what they've arbitrarily decided is correct (but meanwhile the player in the page is still set to 100%.) I have a volume control I can reach with ease, so I don't need their "help."

I know there is an extension or a script to disable Youtube doing this, but it is my understanding that we have to use as few extensions as possible to reduce fingerprinting...

#WebBrowser #Firefox #Youtube #VolumeControls FWIW, for some reason turning off hardware acceleration seems to reduce overall memory usage. Somehow. Doesn't make sense (it should only affect VRAM) but it helps.

But your fundamental point stands. A simple page uses far far more RAM AND CPU than it should. I like to do a handful of things on a little mini PC I bought a long time ago (I use it sort of like an HTPC) but the processor it uses shoots up to 60+C just opening some sites. Simply opening the site. If I open two bad tabs at once it spikes to 70.