
joined 2 months ago
[–] 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Yes those are negative side effects of a trade deficit, just like it has positive effects, which the US has benefitted from for decades.

And which other countries have benefited from far more, for decades.

Sure, a transition to trade surplus is a valid possibility, but tarriffs wont accomplish that. They will create a few jobs, sure, but they definitely wont increase exports.

We don't even need a trade surplus, we just need to minimise the deficit gap. Too much reliance on foreign trade is weakening our own economy while strengthening others. Maybe be grateful that it lasted as long as it did.

I didnt say the Memorandum guaranteed military support.

You did say that, and I quoted it in my reply. Quit backpedaling.

Russia violated the agreement long before by attacking Ukraine

Attacking Ukraine in self-defence is not violating the agreement. If you don't see how having an opposing military alliance right on their border would be perceived as a security threat, idk what to tell ya. Especially when NATO gave assurances not to expand eastward past Germany. I recall the U.S. having similar concerns when Russia had a presence in Cuba.

Anyway, that was back before the US of A and Russia started becoming allies.

I also didnt deny the US providing support. They provided about as much as the average country supporting Ukraine

See, it's that kind of ungrateful attitude that resulted in a complete halt on all aid to Ukraine. The U.S. provided ~%43 of the military support to Ukraine while no other country exceeded 6%. It would have been over in weeks if not days had we not supported them as much as we did. If we were such an "average" provider, the entire world wouldn't be throwing a tantrum over it like you are right now.

[–] 0 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children)

My god you're dense. I've already explained everything clearly and twice so far. I'll put it in very simple to understand words for you:

Trade Deficit = Deindustrialisation and Job Loss

Trade Surplus = Industrialisation and Job Growth

For someone who claims to have an understanding of macroeconomics, you clearly very much don't. 🤦🏼

And I'll reiterate: the Memorandum did not guarantee military support, and yet, we've been providing it for the last three years for free despite them breaking their own agreement and infringing on Russia's border security. They poked the bear, FAFO'd. The only way Ukraine keeps their sovereignty is through diplomacy and, most likely, complete detachment from NATO.

[–] 0 points 4 days ago (4 children)

trade deficits are NOT the same as a net negative spending balance

I never said they were, genius. The point of highlighting the deficit is twofold: first, to expose how lopsided our trade agreements are, with our so-called "allies" benefiting far more than we do; and second, to showcase how badly domestic production is failing to meet demand. The best way to correct that? Tariffs. They reduce the imbalance and incentivise bringing production back home. But sure, keep pretending it's not an issue while we hemorrhage jobs and industry to foreign nations.

The US and UK are the only countries that DID ask of Ukraine to sign the Budapest Memorandum in exchange for military support.

Have you actually read the Memorandum? No, you haven’t. And it shows. It also included Russia, and it never guaranteed military support - it guaranteed that Ukraine’s borders and sovereignty would be respected and that we wouldn't infringe upon them, except in self-defense. And funnily enough, that’s exactly what Russia did in 2014 after Ukraine spent years antagonising them with NATO ambitions (e.g. the 2008 Bucharest Summit) despite NATO giving assurances it wouldn't expand eastward past Germany during its reunification talks. But go off with your revisionist history.

You can't believe everything your news echo chamber tells you just because it seems to make sense that negative numbers are bad.

Likewise, kiddo. Maybe try doing some real research before regurgitating whatever narrative makes you feel smart. It takes actual knowledge to understand why these policies exist, and right now, you're just embarrassing yourself by parroting surface-level takes with zero depth.

[–] -1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (7 children)

Lol to all the people downvoting me in rage.

Okay, let's break it down by each point I listed and see.

In terms of balance, the U.S. just in 2024 had the following trade deficits with "allies":

  • China: $295 billion
  • Mexico: $171 billion
  • Canada: $63 billion

And those deficits are 17% higher than the previous year. The balancing is two-fold: tariffs to, yes, discourage trade outside the U.S. so that businesses come back home, increasing our own economy and job market instead of sending it overseas and across borders. That will involve some short-term pain for long-term gain.

Regarding the war, the U.S. provided 43% of global military aid to Ukraine, while no other country exceeded 6%. It would have been over in weeks if not days had the U.S. not supported Ukraine. With asking nothing in return, I might add. Until now. We're not a cash and weaponry cow they can keep milking indefinitely. If they want continued assistance, they have to work with our president. Otherwise, good luck EU. We'll be getting nice and friendly with Russia in the meantime.

Regarding our borders, we've achieved very little specifically because of the open border policies and resistance from the left. Now that our government is in sync for the first time since the 1950s, border security and many other sweeping changes will be swift and thorough.

Also, I find it amusing when people say the U.S. is the richest country in the world. In reality, we hold the highest national debt with $36 trillion as of last month, which is more than twice the amount compared to every other country in the world. It's not sustainable for our future.

So, all this to reiterate: it is you and everyone else that needs to get in touch with reality. The reality that America is returning to its roots as land of the free. Free from being a dumping ground for your drugs, your criminals and illegal aliens, your trade imbalances, your warmongering leaders (unless they want to FAFO).

America will be thriving again once this administration is through, just like we were during Trump's first term, and I'm so sorry if that bothers you. If you want to be part of our great nation and future, seek legal citizenship. Maybe buy a gold card. Take care!

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

This is why VPNs exist. Happy surfing, folks.