
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 year ago

USPS’ website does this, sort of.

If their text service is down it’ll let you know and just skip the 2FA process even though normally they offer an option to get the code via email.

The fact that they do this is bad enough, the fact that this happens so often that I’ve seen this at least a dozen times is even worse.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Dude has reverse engineered pretty much the entire hardware stack of Macs to be able to provide the global community with Asahi, but because he says something you disagree with he’s supposedly “uninformed”.

Talk about childish…

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Good for them, but this whole clickbait nonsense about Apple “locking” things is just that, nonsense.

Hector Martin, creator of Asahi Linux said it best so instead of repeating his words I’ll just leave a link to his comments on the matter:

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

You’re right that a lot of Terms of Service documents and similar agreement documents have language that reserves the right to modify those terms.

At the same time just because something is in the terms doesn’t mean it can stand the test of adjudication and terms as well as changes are often challenged in court with success.

Unity is in a particular tricky situation because the clause that governed modifications in their last ToS explicitly gives the user the option to pass on modifications that adversely affects them and stick with the old terms:

Unity may update these Unity Software Additional Terms at any time for any reason and without notice (the “Updated Terms”) and those Updated Terms will apply to the most recent current-year version of the Unity Software, provided that, if the Updated Terms adversely impact your rights, you may elect to continue to use any current-year versions of the Unity Software (e.g., 2018.x and 2018.y and any Long Term Supported (LTS) versions for that current-year release) according to the terms that applied just prior to the Updated Terms (the “Prior Terms”). The Updated Terms will then not apply to your use of those current-year versions unless and until you update to a subsequent year version of the Unity Software (e.g. from 2019.4 to 2020.1). If material modifications are made to these Terms, Unity will endeavor to notify you of the modification. If a modification is required to comply with applicable law, the modification will apply notwithstanding this section. Except as explicitly set forth in this paragraph, your use of any new version or release of the Unity Software will be subject to the Updated Terms applicable to that release or version. You understand that it is your responsibility to maintain complete records establishing your entitlement to Prior Terms.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

Oh wow, they really closed it down huh?

Not too long ago you were able to change it.

This dumbing things down to prevent customers from fucking themselves over and using up CS resources is getting ridiculous.

Say you need to change some settings but your modem/router isn’t online then you’re SOOL.

Cox, who uses the same gateway, is even worse. They won’t even allow you to enable legacy mode (802.11b) for IoT devices that cheaped out on WiFi cards, not even on a separate network and their customer service can’t enable it either.

I dread moving into a Cox region where there’s no fiber competitor available.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

There’s not much for him to be concerned about currently, given that he is dead.

As for 16 yo Aaron who wrote that list of hot takes in order of controversy, is it really surprising that a kid that developed an opinion of free speech extremism penned that down?
Especially after being inspired by this article as per his own admission?

The article also helps provide context for the time period this was written in.
Simple possession was still a relatively novel concept and simulated CSAM wasn’t criminal yet in the US.

Don’t misconstrue my own position on the matter, I originate from, and was legally trained in, a jurisdiction that criminalizes hate speech, imposing a significantly broader limit on free speech than the US currently does, and I think that’s the better path to take.
So I personally don’t adhere to free speech extremism.

Nevertheless, while not agreeing with his take, I can see the logic that persuaded him.

It’s essentially the facetious version of “Why stop here, why not also ban hate speech/guns/drugs/etc?”
All of those can be argued to be gateways to the harm of others, perhaps even disproportionately children.

To me it reads as him challenging the logic, not condoning the outcome much less the subsequent consequences. Very edgy indeed.

As for those who bring up that he reinstated his blog multiple times and with it this particular post from when he was 16, as a way to posthumously attribute this to a more older adult version of him; I’m not sure it’s that cut and dry.

As a fundamentalist such as himself it could also just be an exhibition of his free speech extremism perhaps combined with an effort to maintain transparency.

After all, it could suggest an eroding of his beliefs on free speech if he would remove it “now” with little benefit to him since the cat’s already out of the bag, even if he disagreed with his former self at the time of restoring the blog.

A better indication of his opinions later in life would be comments that reaffirm the prior expressed beliefs or, if the suspicion is that he practiced what he preached, one would expect this to have come out during the FBI investigation, considering they went through all his data.

Do I think it’s healthy to consider him a hero, or anyone else for that matter?
No not really, if only because the likelihood of heroes having irreconcilable blemishes is extremely high just by the very virtue of their, let’s say, unique thinking producing the things we love about them but also the things that might cause pause in many.


I need to preface this by saying that this evidence is from right before the blackout protest, a few weeks ago.

So it's not fresh tea, if that's what you're looking for.

Nevertheless I still think it's relevant and interesting.


Because I've been suspecting an astroturf campaign for a while now, especially post-blackout given the sudden and enormous influx of cookie-cutter pro-Reddit comments we saw after the blackout.

I've seen others have similar suspicions, but I hadn't seen any concrete evidence for it.
Until now that is.

I'm not sure how it flew under the radar, perhaps because the evidence was posted on Reddit right before the blackout?

In any case, without further ado, below is what I'm talking about.

r/Programming is a sub who's mod team is made up out of majority admins/ex-admins.

It's currently blacked out, seemingly due to a combination of a rogue mod and admins being too busy to notice, but others think it was a panicky response to suppress the uncovering of the astroturfing campaign that just happened to coincide with the general blackout.

Whatever the case, r/Programming never announced anywhere they'd join in the blackout and the last top post on the sub before it went dark, is the one exposing the astroturfing campaign.

On June 11, Redditor u/ammon-jerro notices an astroturfing campaign on r/Programming, and makes a post about it.

In a comment u/ammon-jerro provided 6 examples to support his claims of there being an astroturfing campaign.

As if those examples weren't enough, Redditor u/schauerlich went and found an account that had posted a comment containing the following verbatim:

Sorry, I am not capable of generating inappropriate or offensive content.

In addition to this, there's something weird going on with the bot accounts that are involved in this.

Let's look at the one that posted "Sorry, I am not capable of generating inappropriate or offensive content" as an example.

That was posted by u/Joseph_Harris2.

But if you go to it'll show a "Page not Found" page with "u/Joseph_Harris2: page not found" in the upper left corner.

If you instead go to (same url, all lowercase) you'll see the same page with the same "u/Joseph_Harris2: page not found" (notice that it's still correctly capitalized).

So clearly Reddit knows who you're talking about.

However it doesn't seem that the account is simply suspended or banned because that looks different.

Nor is it deleted, because that looks like this.

And a non-existing account looks almost identical, but there's an important difference.
The difference being in the upper left, where it doesn't mention the username and just says "page not found".

This weird behavior on the profile page happens with all the accounts that are brought up in the post on r/Programming in relation to the astroturfing.

Not sure what to make of it just yet, but it is strange.

The evidence is clear as day.
There has been, and perhaps still is, a pro-admin astroturfing campaign going on on Reddit with the help of ChatGPT and other such tools.

Does this prove that it's a Reddit commissioned or even sanctioned astroturfing campaign?
No, there isn't sufficient evidence for that at the moment.

Off course Reddit would have the best motivation for something like this, and it is at least remarkable that a mod team stacked with admins that have access to admin tools wouldn't be able to effectively detect this and be able to prevent comments like these on a sub they moderated.

Nevertheless, that's at best circumstantial and can't be considered concrete evidence.

Edit: Mods, the usernames mentioned in this post (and subsequent links) are either of seemingly defunct bot accounts or of people who shed a light on this. If this is against the rules please let me know and I'll remove references to these users on Reddit.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Pro tip: if you do insist on using Google scroll to the bottom until you see a notice like the one below.

You can then click on the complaint to see the URLs that were removed.

They’ve wisened up a bit and now require a (throwaway) email to access the links, but chances are that if you’re looking for something more obscure, the link you seek is still there.