
joined 9 months ago
[–] fubarx@lemmy.world 1 points 6 minutes ago

Nothingburger. For the vast majority of users the audio was already getting sent to the cloud for realtime processing. Nothing here changes that.

For a few devices, some amount of processing was getting done on-device. Now, with the fancy LLMs, it has to revert to sending it all to the cloud.

Just turn on the feature to delete the recording after each processing. Best you can get if you want to keep using these devices and not run an NVidia processing cluster in your kitchen.

[–] fubarx@lemmy.world 2 points 1 hour ago

Big fan of the TEV channel. Really appreciate their unspooling of day-to-day use, instead of just running down the tech specs.

[–] fubarx@lemmy.world 1 points 1 hour ago

Used to own an orange pop-top VW Camper bus. Have been drooling after the VW ID.Buzz since the announcement. Would make an amazing roving office.

This Kia ups the stakes. One configuration is as a camper. Waiting to see it in action.

[–] fubarx@lemmy.world 5 points 2 hours ago

So... if you own an inexpensive Alexa device, it just doesn't have the horsepower to process your requests on-device. Your basic $35 device is just a microphone and a wifi streamer (ok, it also handles buttons and fun LED light effects). The Alexa device SDK can run on a $5 ESP-32. That's how little it needs to work on-site.

Everything you say is getting sent to the cloud where it is NLP processed, parsed, then turned into command intents and matched against the devices and services you've installed. It does a match against the phrase 'slots' and returns results which are then turned into voice and played back on the speaker.

With the new LLM-based Alexa+ services, it's all on the cloud. Very little of the processing can happen on-device. If you want to use the service, don't be surprised the voice commands end up on the cloud. In most cases, it already was.

If you don't like it, look into Home Assistant. But last I checked, to keep everything local and not too laggy, you'll need a super beefy (expensive) local home server. Otherwise, it's shipping your audio bits out to the cloud as well. There's no free lunch.

[–] fubarx@lemmy.world 18 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

This shows how one company (li-cycle) that claims they recycle 95% of the lithium does it: https://youtu.be/s2xrarUWVRQ

99.99% doesn't seem too far-fetched.

[–] fubarx@lemmy.world 2 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

Not a formal audit, but a more recent review of the protocol: https://soatok.blog/2025/02/18/reviewing-the-cryptography-used-by-signal/

[–] fubarx@lemmy.world 1 points 23 hours ago

They can take Fort Ross, but they can't pry Clam Beach from our cold, dead hands.

[–] fubarx@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

My kid was told to fill one out, even though we knew we didn't qualify. After a LOT of paperwork, it came back with an offer of a $2K loan.

[–] fubarx@lemmy.world 97 points 1 day ago* (last edited 16 hours ago) (3 children)

My first tech job out of college, I was told to go talk to "Dave," the guru old-timey programmer and learn the lay of the land. He turned out to be this crotchety old guy, with low tolerance for idiots, but a soft spot for someone who actually paid attention.

A few months in, I was told to go fix a feature in the company's main product which was sold to power utilities. This was a MASSIVE code base, with a mix of C, C++, assembler, and a bit of Fortran thrown in. I spent a week poring through all the code trying to figure things out. Then I hit a mystery workflow that didn't make sense.

I walk over to Dave's office and ask a specific question. Now, mind you, he had worked on this years ago, and had long moved on to new products. He leans back in his chair, stares at the ceiling, then without looking at the screen once tells me to go look at such and such file for such and such variable, and a list of functions that were related. I go back to my desk and damn if it wasn't EXACTLY as he described.

Now, I'm probably as old as he was then. I don't remember what I wrote an hour ago. No matter what I build, I'll always be in awe of Dave and what he could keep in his head.

[–] fubarx@lemmy.world 16 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Getting less programmer_humor and more "I didn't get the promo" angry vibe from this.

[–] fubarx@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago (2 children)

If you right-click and View Source, it all fits on one screen.

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