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[–] 9 points 4 months ago

This is a private individual who is suing valve for her own personal gain. This isn't a government or a class action. If they win valve gives this one lady half a billion dollars. Sounds bullshit to me.

[–] 13 points 4 months ago (1 children)

The Honey pot conspiracy is fake. But Hillary Clinton did use her influence to prop up Trump early in the election thinking that he would be the easiest candidate to face. And I can see reddit being a part of that plan.

[–] 5 points 10 months ago

The footprint-based system means that selling more small vehicles does not necessarily help manufacturers meet the standards. Smaller vehicles are subject to more stringent requirements, such that a manufacturer of smaller vehicles has a lower CO2 standard while a manufacturer of larger vehicles has a higher CO2 standard. Footprint systems encourage improvements in efficiency, regardless of vehicles size, and have relatively little impact on vehicle size mix. Unlike a weight-based standard, a footprint-based standard encourages use of lightweight materials while maintaining the vehicle size, without subjecting the manufacturers to a higher CO2 requirement.

[–] 37 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Because car companies send lobbyists to Congress and pay to influence bills.

[–] 90 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (26 children)

There is a law in the US that says trucks must meet a certain Miles per gallon fuel economy. But there is a loop hole that says trucks over a certain size are not included in that law. So as long as the trucks are ridiculously big they don't need to worry about their fuel economy.

Edit: it's the CAFE law.

[–] 18 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (3 children)

When I was a kid I used to walk to the movie store to rent games. I would go back every time I had money and rent Chrono Trigger, but some one would always erase my save, so I would have to start over.

On my birthday I got a check from my grandma that was for 50 dollars. I walked right up to the game store and slammed my check on the counter for one copy of Chrono Trigger. I didn't know how money, checks, or sales tax worked.

Luckily, my mom bailed me out. I played that game for years. I still have such fond memories of that game.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago

Communism is literally not dictated by the few. Communism is anarchist in that there are literal no leaders. What you are thinking of is leninism, where a group of few used the ideas of socialism and communism to hoard power and money, spread misinformation, and destroy education. Because educated people don't like authoritarian leadership.

Like how in the USA, education has been villianized by the right in their propaganda. They cut funding to public education. They remove what books can be found in libraries. They can keep people ignorant of ideas they find threatening to their power structures. Such as socialist and communism ideals. Any book that talks of breaking down the hierarchy is considered a threat.

[–] 6 points 10 months ago (2 children)

I completely understand where you are coming from, but you got to realize that that concept of communism has been warped by western propaganda and selective education.

People hungry for power will use what ever ideology appeals to the people to gain power. Look at Donald Trump. He was historically a Democrat from New York uninterested in politics. He ran as a Democrat the first time but made no headlines. He switched parties and started talking pro-christian rhetoric. He is very obvious no Christian.

You see it with "Protect the children" anti-abortion groups. Who have no interest in actually protecting children. Groups that target trans people with the same stance have no interest in actually protecting children. Groups who are say they want to stamp out pedophilia use it to target privacy laws.

And you have groups like Nazis and Lenist who used socialism and communism as a means to an end. Those groups used those movements to consolidate power and wealth to the 1%, and used violence against others as a way to ensure their continued control, they were neither communist or socialist in practice, only in their speech.

[–] 4 points 11 months ago

As Llamapacolypse said, it has it's dark moments. What I wrote above is some of the darkest. It never goes into too much detail when it involves some of the more triggering things. Just a fade to black.

That said it's such an intensely human series. So much love and compassion litered throughout the whole thing.

It's also such a unique experience. Most fantasy books have huge massive reveals that shock and take you by surprise. Malazan has these things. But it also does it in reverse. You'll read something and then a book or two later it changes context entirely, completely blowing your mind.

[–] 11 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (4 children)

The Crippled God from Mazalan Book of the Fallen. I should probably spoiler this. And trigger warning.

spoilerThe High King Kallor once ruled an empire. And he did so with a cold hard iron fist. Some Elder Gods decided that he was to be dethroned, and set off to confront the High King. Kallor had gotten wind of this before the confrontation and so had all his mages begin a ritual. One that would summon an alien force from beyond the known universe. They were successful and pulled an entity of such power that it destroyed Kallor's entire empire. As the Gods approached the High Kings throne they found him there, emporer of only ash.

The power Kallor summoned was so alien and anthemic to the universe it needed to be destroyed. But they found it couldn't be done. So instead they crippled and chained the power. This power came to be know as the Crippled God.

It's hard to pinpoint exactly the cruelty that the Crippled God did himself. See, the crippled god worked in the shadows from his tent on the beach. He lifted others up to enact his broken visions. Granted them slivers of his alien power, and whispered promises of power or revenge into their ears. One such figure was the Pannion Seer.

The Seer was a holy figure who led an massive army, the Pannion Domin, on a crusade against the world. This was a holy war and such his followers where blindly devoted. His most devoted where called Tenescowri. The Tenescowri where purposely starved. Given no rations, no water, no food. They had to subsist on what they were able to find. And what is the most common thing found after a battle? Dead bodies. The Tenescowri was an army of forced cannibalism.

It gets a bit darker. The most powerful of the Tenescowri where the Children of the Dead Seed. During battle the fervent women would take dying men, and force them to copulate. Filling their wombs with the seed of a dead man. These children would grow up to be unholy warriors.

I think it was said the Tenescowri were 100,000 strong led by Anaster the Fist Born of the Dead Seed.

[–] 13 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Zombies aren't real. And will take on any qualities the writer wants. Some people write zombies as brain eating mindless undead. Others are super fast group thinking infected humans. It's all up to your imagination.

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