
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 10 hours ago

I’m going as Joe/Manco/Blondie from the Dollars trilogy. My girlfriend was originally going to go as cowboy (cowgirl?) Barbie but that might be changing now

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Oh man, Genichiro is one of my favourite fights. Have you figured out how to do a lightning reversal yet? It’s pretty important for the lightning phase, and the game does a pretty poor job at explaining it

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Enjoy! I wish I could play it for the first time again. How far have you made it so far?

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Is it your first time playing it? Sekiro is probably my favourite game of all time but it’s definitely not beginner-friendly. The steep learning curve is pretty intense but so worth it when it clicks!

[–] 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I have so many games in my steam backlog at this point that I really need to get through, maybe I should try your method of setting time constraints. I usually just end up replaying the same few games over and over again, but maybe if I had a time constraint to worry about I’d get through my backlog finally

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

I don’t know rogue-lites too well, but I know Hollow Knight quite well, and I know Sekiro very, very well. Hollow Knight is the best 2D game I’ve ever played, and I think it’s worth at least checking out. The music, the art, the atmosphere, everything is really well done. For less than $10 it’s worth trying for 2 hours and if you don’t like it you can always refund it.

As for Sekiro, I think it’s got the best gameplay of any game ever. That being said, it has a very steep learning curve. Eventually the game will click, but until then it’ll be incredibly frustrating and very difficult. Once you get past that though it’ll feel amazing to play. Every one of my friends gave up on it before it clicked for them so there is definitely some risk but I truly believe if you push through until it clicks you’ll find it incredibly rewarding and satisfying to play.

[–] 4 points 3 months ago

Celeste is fantastic. One of the best 2D platformers games I’ve ever played

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

Strange, after reading your comment I get a very strong urge, almost need, to play that game. It’s almost like I don’t have a choice not to. Weird. Anyway, I’ll definitely play it soon

[–] 4 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I actually had a really fun time with Starfield. It didn’t blow me away and suck me in for 1000+ hours but the 60-70 hours I spent on my first playthrough was a blast and I got immersed and really felt connected to the characters. Not to mention the ship building which I got from pretty obsessed with for a couple weeks

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

I appreciate it. Thank you!

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 both could’ve made it for me too, but for the sake of the post I only wanted to do two games so other people could suggest some. I absolutely agree with your picks

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

I’m going to take over doing the monthly threads, the other mod hasn’t posted one in 3 months


I watched a YouTube video about this topic today and thought it was the perfect idea for a post here. It’s pretty straightforward, it’s games you played in the past that you’re still stuck thinking about, or games that taught you a lesson that you’ve held on to.

I’m going to start. For me, the two games that perfectly exemplify the idea of a game that sticks with you are Sekiro and BioShock. I have a feeling Dark Souls will be a popular choice but I think Sekiro did it more for me personally.

Starting with Sekiro, I honestly think it’s the closest to perfect I’ve ever seen in a video game, at least for a first playthrough. It’s fun, challenging, rewarding, thoughtfully made, beautiful to look at, it’s got great voice acting, memorable characters, and I honestly can only think of two mini bosses that bring the whole game very slightly down. Every other aspect is a 10/10 from me. Not to mention the combat is the best combat of any game I’ve ever played. Personally, this game is the purist example of a game that forces you to get good at it, and does the best job at teaching perseverance. In the rest of the Souls games, you can upgrade your weapon, get a new weapon, use buffs, summon NPCs or another player to help, if you’re getting stuck. With Sekiro on the other hand, you need to get good. Above any other game, this one showed me just how well hard work can pay off. I feel about this game the same way video essayists feel about Dark Souls. If you know, you know.

Moving on to BioShock, this one really taught me the value of a good story, and showed me that video games truly are art. It helped that the game itself is a ton of fun to play, but on top of that the writing is just phenomenal. I’m assuming most people on here have played this one so I won’t get too into it, and in case you haven’t, most of what I’d be gushing about would spoil the whole game anyway, so I’m just leaving it short, but yeah. This game is the finest example of video games being an art form.

What about you guys? What has stuck with you the hardest? I’ve got more games I could talk about but I’d love to see discussion from you.


A bit of a weird title, but basically what’s a game that’s more than a year old but still considered “modern” that you love? There’s no real strict definition for modern, I’d just like to see some discussion around great games that aren’t quite classics yet (but probably will be one day).

The nature of this community typically attracts discussion around decade-old games (which is what I mostly play too), but I’d like to see some newer (but not too new) games on this post.


Era can be defined as a console generation, a decade, one specific year, whatever you want. I’d encourage you to give a list of your favourite games from the generation of choice and why it was the best to you. Nostalgia is a totally viable reason too.

I’ll go first. For me, the 360 era is my GOAT. As someone in their 20s, I grew up with the 360 so nostalgia is definitely a big factor. But on top of that, I still feel like the games during that time were some of the best we’ve had. 2011 alone was a fantastic year, with Dark Souls, Skyrim, Portal 2 and many more great games. I was going to list out my favourite games from 2005-2013 but I love so many it would be far too long of a post.

I’d love to hear some of you talk about your favourite time period of games too, whether it’s agreeing with my choice or giving different opinions


I’ve been very busy with work the last few months so I haven’t really played any games, but things are finally starting to get back to normal a bit and I wanted to try this RPG. I played it a bit when it came out but decided to really dive into it this time. Just wondering if there’s anyone here who’s played it and has any advice? I’ve had the game spoiled for me already so don’t worry about spoilers.


Looking for a note-taking app, preferably that I could use straight from a browser. I’m currently using Standard Notes. Not sure if that one is any good, but E2EE and open-source which at least checks those boxes. I don’t store anything too sensitive and I don’t need a whole bunch of features, though I suppose I’d use them if they were available.

I’m honestly not too picky but maybe discussion here could help someone else out who may be looking for the same thing with higher expectations? I’ll switch over to a better option if there’s something considerably better.

Thanks in advance


All three games are on sale on steam for the first time since January 2022 (to the best of my knowledge). If you’ve never given them a shot, now is the best time to do so as they don’t go on sale very often at all


Hey guys! My name is cod, I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know there's a change in the mod team now. As you probably know, the creator of this community decided to leave and made a post asking if anyone would be interested in taking over. Long story short, I got the gig, as did another member by the name of BrionGloid. We're in two different time zones so hopefully that will allow at least one of us to be available at any given time. You may also notice another mod here, by the name of BurntWits, that's my alt I use on this instance, so that way if there's any federation issues between my home instance and the one this community is on, I'll still be able to moderate effectively. As that is a backup account, I'd request any messages to me go to the cod account, as I check that one much more frequently.

On another note, if anyone has any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding the change in mod team, the future of the community, or anything else, drop a comment! Or if you'd prefer, my inbox is always open, so feel free to send me a message. I'm in EST and do work full-time shift work, so it may take a few hours for me to respond depending on the time you're messaging and/or commenting. I believe BrionGloid is in Australia.

Your new community mod, cod

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