
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I checked your post history out of curiosity if you are shill-bot. And while you apparently spend a non insignificant time writing about Bitcoin, you also wrote pretty smart things too and seem to be a decent person. You also seem engaged in tech and interested in doing good things with it.

Which confuses the fuck out of me how anyone like you could still argue in 2024 that Bitcoin is anything but a gigantic garbage fire. And not just Bitcoin. Pretty much all copycat crypto currencies it spawned.

Which is not to be confused with blockchain technology. That has some fringe use cases. It is a valid technology for certain databases in some pretty specific and relatively few instances. But except for very specific and seldom legal cases, the technology hsas pretty much proven it is noehere near a proper replacement for money in general.

So back to my point: How can someone who seems legitimately decent from most posts I saw, interested in technnology and most probably not having been hit on the head with a brick, write such a shill post with no particular purpose (at least from what I could gather)?

Obviously you don't have to reply. I am fucking nobody, it's your busniness and I am certainly not entitled into an answer. I am really just curious how after especially the last couple of years, after all the existences Bitcoin and it's offspawns must have ruined, them not having provided any tangible benefits to humanity in the process, how can one still argue it could ever do anything good as a replacement for money. Bitcoins atrocious and devastating track record, I'd argue, tells you all you need to know. And crypto exchanges are just unregulated stock markets where you get scammed left and right.

Sorry for the rant, I expected a bot. Maybe you still are.


The forums of old times still exist in some corners of the internet. They used to be big and there was one for pretty much every topic.

But most died over the years or got replaced by services like Facebook groups, Reddit or Discord.

Are you still using proper forums, which ones and why haven't you made the switch to other forms of communication?

[–] 3 points 9 months ago

Get out of here with your reasonable suggestions for real life problems.

Instead the state should raise taxes on poor people and give the money to the oil companies, cause freedom or something.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I advise you to seek help.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

There is none I grew up with, so I can't name a favorite either. Neither did we own the platforms most of the games released on. I only ever got into Star Trek later in life.

[–] 3 points 10 months ago

That's irregular. Have it checked by a medical professional and get a second or third opinion if you already were at the doctor.

There is cases where the underlying reason can not be discovered. Those are usually harmless. Pretty much all cases where an underlying reason can be determined can be tested for and for almost all of them should get you medical treatment. They reach from not good to serious danger to your health.

[–] 7 points 10 months ago

I actually didn't think about it much, because I block all ads. But consumerism can be fun, I wouldn't mind ads if I had a say in which I see.

Weird how neolibs are proponents of the free market all the time, but at the same time insist on shoving crap we don't want down our throats. I like your suggestion.

[–] 8 points 10 months ago

It is a legit question. Usually you don't have to pro-actively inform anyone that you disagree with anything, TOS included. That's just what companies want you to believe since it benefits them greatly.

No idea though how things in the U.S. are handled and if there are differences in certain states. It would surprise me though if that was actually an enforcable legal principle.

[–] 29 points 10 months ago

You can't hold a firm grasp on reality if it is distorted by your massive narcissism already. He thinks anyone but the bags of shit still on his platform care.

Twitter never actually mattered and nothing of value will be lost. He can pound sand.

[–] 14 points 10 months ago

Hold on there, voting conservatives into power is detrimental to the economy shocked Pikachu

[–] 13 points 11 months ago

I'd like to thank you for providing context to reactivism based solely on an emotional reaction without doing any research first.

I am guilty of that as well, but you put effort in, explained things and that takes time. Thanks.

[–] 13 points 11 months ago (1 children)

You just could still trip on a dead monk while slaughtering them and break your neck. I am sure that counts as death in battle.

Disclaimer: Not a Valhalla lawyer.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

You seem like good people. I hope you have a nice and relaxing weekend.

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