
joined 4 months ago
[–] 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (7 children)

it revolves around making both the host and said interviewee increasingly suffer by way of capsaicin while general interview questions (both career and personal) are asked. they do a "flight" of incrementally-hotter hot sauces until it's just asinine scoville levels toward the end. idk what the gag is here, if the VA ate wings as the character or what. I don't care enough to watch it to figure this one out.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

All of the pretendedly-mourned-in-the-west "old bolsheviks" that were shot (which ignores all the ones that weren't and lived through the purges, and the ones who died of old age or illness or even anti-Bolshevik assassination a decade or two before the purges, and ignores that half those mfs who were shot that they talk about spent more of their revolutionary careers as mensheviks and SRs against the Bolsheviks than as actual Bolsheviks) Stalin protected a from expulsion constantly. It's actually frustrating in hindsight how many times he voted to keep (now-)obvious wreckers or incompetents in the party against others' judgement.

Including shielding them from Lenin lol. Lenin wanted Kamenev and Zinoviev expelled before the October revolution even, saying he didn't even consider them comrades anymore and would do everything in his strength to secure their expulsion because they betrayed him and the party and the revolution and the workers by leaking that the Bolsheviks were going to call for a general strike and armed insurrection, in order to complain about it in a BOURGEOIS NEWSPAPER after they lost the vote against insurrection in the committee vote proper. Stalin went to bat for them.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

marxist dialectics is

thesis right-arrow left-arrow antithesis

and then they stay like that, forevefr ; in permfect harmony

[–] 0 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Workers councils, led by who, though? United in what structures, along what lines, with what discipline to guarantee it; and what is the context and remnant class character and superstructural drives from which these executive-power worker-councils would emerge and lead if given full power? This would almost certainly just amount to 'trade-union-consciousness-as-countries' in the best case

in the worst case and almost assuredly eventually with the help of imperialist powers and the maneuvering of less idealist factions an active counter-revolution and re-establishment of right wing governance ruled by white terror.

Workers councils led by who? Solidarnosc et al. should have had equal power as the central Party power structures because of 'democracy'? We must realize that a large portion of the eastern bloc states the west eventually helped pry off into capitalist abyss with the help of reactionaries (after having been building active networks to do so since even before WW2 ended, from gladio and propaganda stations and other intelligence operations) were many of them previously run by fascists. Like actual concentration camp death camp holocaust-by-bullets Nazis and collaborators. There were material reasons there was strict maintenance of Party discipline and organization in Eastern Europe like in the Baltics and Hungary etc.; These were political decisions gleaned from political lessons learned from the 1910s domestic revolutionary wars in these Eastern European countries and resultant white terrors in their failures, and the political realities manifested leading up to, through, and after WW2. Democratizing to the degree of 'council communism' would mean handing power back to the same people that the Hungarian rebellion in Hungary in 56 let out of prison en masse (arrow cross et al.) turning it into a fascist counterrevolution. The same people that Kruschev himself let out of prison all over the country while dumping as much blame as he could whether it was true or not on Stalin (and half of the things that were true or partially so Kruschev himself acted as a fore-running hatchet-man and architect).

The Great Patriotic War murdering 30 million Soviets including the vast majority of the most politically serious, motivated, and energetic working class youth who would have come up in the next generation had a larger effect than pretty much anything else, and is rarely talked about as being so for some reason. This being followed only a decade later (as Lenin reminds us in "Left-Wing" Communism

by the yardstick of world history a decade "is a trifle that cannot be considered even approximately") by the Kruschev bloc using this circumstance, winning out in a violent power struggle (remember he shot and imprisoned his opponents and threatened the others into submission, very ironic) and giving amnesty to a HUGE amount of reactionaries including active fascist agitators and militant nationalist rebels from all over the Union, which predictably produced, and severely aggravated existing, contradictions in society when they immediately resumed all the activities they were put in prison for previously refusing to stop; all while severing the USSR from its material history and setting it afloat in idealism and revisionist complacency of "the fight is over, the bad man is gone" in this context, raising the new generations within this framework, and sustained to its demise by the pathological denialism of the nature and proper handling of the emergent second economy which found great advantage in all of this.

These and others are more of a factor than anything for why there was eventually such a complacent malaise in socialist construction, entrenchment of the gerontocracy of opportunists and cowards; and an inability amidst their own contradictions (which Kruschev worsened) to further democratize and open up as Stalin himself had been working toward with the 'Stalin Constitution' in the 1930s, before world circumstances became dire, and necessity called for centralized pushes for rapid industrialization, war preparations, rooting out the mass wrecking activities (which even US industrial advisors were shocked by, saying they'd leave a new machine and come back next day and its oil intake would be filled with sand, speaking of this as a commonplace not-at-all isolated incident) and needing to pre-empt and defend in general against 5th columns, which plagued every other nation when war broke out (half of France greeted the Nazis as friends and murdered their own people hand-in-hand with them, same with the Sudeten Henleins, Slovakian Tisos, Belgian De Grelles, Norwegian Quislings etc. which the Soviets couldn't afford).

The situation wasn't so simple as "just democratize and decentralize" because there were incredibly sharp and severe contradictions that made that untenable; which Kruschev's dumbass policies, against which the will to resist was able to be reduced to a few people shot and imprisoned and its terror, and public opinion manipulated in vast broadcasts dumping real, invented, and his own dirt on the still-warm grave of Stalin, after a huge proportion of the most energetic youth were slaughtered in a genocidal imperialist war, worsened severely past the point of being able to handle it. If you let out all of the reactionaries, fascists, anti-Soviet liberal and zionist agitators, nationalist groups who had been armed-rebelling for a decade and a half including during WW2, and all the veterans of the fascist collaborator and fascist partisan groups out of prison who had also many been working with CIA ops facilitated by Gehlen and other US-hired Nazis; you then need to constantly deal with their subsequent activities, and you would be stupid to expand the realms of power to include them acting in these capacities openly. But also once you've done that, the contradiction doesn't go away, so they instead include themselves acting covertly; and since the second economy was simultaneously facilitated-but-denied/ignored by the gerontocracy that was left, they became a match made in heaven together to spearhead the west-comprador-led teardown-and-selloff facilitated and bought-and-paid-for by neo-colonial bankers.

[–] 33 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

"promised territory" hmm where have I heard that before...