Great bike. Looks like a great place too.
joined 2 weeks ago
Can you post pics please?
Solid point, applies to abortion too. I don’t know anything about the process and I’ll frequently see a reason for abortion and think “that’s another good reason”, and that’s why I believe in pro choice, things aren’t simple and banning abortion doesn’t help anyone.
I knew a guy who claimed his grandad shot Hitler. Hitler was not his grandfather.
Oh. I thought it was a Wizard of Oz reference.
The BBC are also lying gits.
I think in the U.K. we would call him “small C conservative”
And when you say freely you mean hate.
Wow…this is gonna make America so great…
I used to know someone who said “if you’re not weird, you’re not normal”. I think probably everyone is weird in their own way.
So why are the USians so pally with Russia? Cause that’s how it looks….