
joined 1 year ago
[–] 27 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I really think these MAGAt types are feeding off Boomer-era Cold War trauma, milking geriatric delusions for all they're worth. Think about it, how many Americans under 50 are daily concerned about communism? For most of our lives it has been a complete joke, there has been literally no reason to think communism was going to supplant capitalism in America, in any way. It's always like "oh communism, yeah sure I'd love to live in Cuba, China, or North Korea heh".

I think a more valuable and relevant lesson would be the history and dangers of authoritarianism, anti-democratic politics and gestures, but maybe that hits a little too close to home for the MAGAts?

[–] 3 points 6 months ago

IMO, as depressing as the thought is, we are rapidly transitioning/declining to a post-Constitution America. It makes sense, because conservatives have never really embraced the notion of a secular document as the law of the land, which can be used to shield individuals and minorities from their abusive moralistic patriarchal regimes. Now they have a chance, many chances in fact, to "right the wrongs" they suffered as a matter of enlightened compromise made in good faith. And we are seeing it everywhere.

[–] 11 points 7 months ago

Do you want the total war?

Do you want it, if necessary, more total and radical than anything that we can yet today even conceive?

-Bibi Goebels, basically

[–] 11 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Two I can think of, luckily neither was that bad.

Firstly I got impatient and bought a new DSLR camera kit off eBay, thinking I would save money and get a good deal. It came with two decent lenses, supposedly, and a bunch of other accessories. Very highly rated seller.

After I made the purchase, I get a message to expect a phone call from such-and-such number. Strange, I thought. They call and immediately I can tell it's a bait-and-switch. They tell me what they're going to send, but it's not what was in the listing. Only one lens, instead of two, and some other shenanigans like substituting inferior brands and cheap shit. I called them out and said either you deliver what was promised in the listing, or I'm opening a dispute, and it won't be a good look that you tried to change the deal over the phone.

Anyway I got what was listed, but overall it was a disappointment. Grey market items from overseas, not official US licensed gear, so I had no warranty. But I ended up paying as much or more than if I had walked into a local shop. It wasn't counterfeit, but just left a bad taste in my mouth. The seller disappeared from eBay not long after that...

Second time: I received one of those emails with a password in the subject. It looked familiar, and was in fact an (old) password I had used. Someone took a hacked DB and just fired off countless emails with the passwords to the matching email addresses. But the tone of the email was what spooked me. It said, I have had full access to all your emails, I have figured out how to reset accounts and hacked into your webcam and have some very interesting photos. Either you pay this amount to this bitcoin address or I send the photos to all your contacts and your life will be ruined.

In the moment, I panicked like oh shit this is legit. Even though I couldn't imagine what photos they referred to, it was still scary being blackmailed. I thought about it, discussed with some people, and they helped calm me down. After a few days, I realized it must be a scam. It was so generic. Surely if it was real, they would mentioned specifics... my name, or what I looked like, or some other unmistakable details.

Over the years, I received a number of other variations with the same jist, and different passwords (my email address was in several major leaks in mid-2000s). I'm glad I didn't fall for that shit, regardless of how serious it seemed in the moment.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

Well the Christofascist Speaker admitted that perpetuating chaos and linking it to Biden is their best shot in November. So everything is going according to plan. Democrats can say they tried, Republicans can blame the fallout on Biden, and the rest of us non-politicians lose as usual. We have reached an "interesting time" where being elected is more important than governing.

[–] 4 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Why stop there? Shut it all down. Pull the plug.

[–] 5 points 7 months ago

Wtf. I came here to make this same comment.

Thought I'd be super clever haha. Take my upvote instead

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

Too many smash burgers not enough veggies?

[–] 17 points 7 months ago

And will they be Russian, or more human trafficking victims?

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

Also remember the nearest comparison to building a website, was a book, magazine, or newspaper. So just plop those text and images down as if it was a book, only ever intended to be viewed at one fixed resolution (say, 800x600). No smartphones yet. No apps to inspire us. No web 2.0. No emphasis on minimalism or dynamic content.

Unexpected and unpleasant things should happen with different browsers, window sizes, etc.

[–] 4 points 7 months ago (1 children)

That site would have been considered remarkably beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. As such it's not quite realistic.

Much too legible. I recommend less contrast for the text.

I don't see you playing with alignment? I would like more centered text personally. And long lines of text without breaks.

Why not throw in some "lorem ipsum" placeholders.

Are you using a WYSIWYG editor?

Where are your dancing hampsters?

Also is this before or after it became trendy to copy/paste all sorts of scripts into the html? Remember scrolling text on the status bar, how about those ascii things that follow your mouse around?

I'd keep an eye on your page's size, remember we would be loading this on 56k dialup modems... if we were lucky!

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