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[–] 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

This meme is not even true to be honest. The entire German V-2 team under von Braun surrendered to the Americans on May 2, 1945, with complete packages of intact V-2 rockets (ready for deployment), combat launchers and military personnel trained to operate all those equipments. The Americans literally got everything on a platter.

[–] 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

This is not exactly correct. The Soviets did try to get German rocket scientists, but they didn’t get any valuable ones except for Helmut Grottrup. The rest already surrendered to the Americans in advance. The development of Soviet space/rocket program was not the same as the American’s.

However, German scientists (those who were not members of the Nazi Party or involved in the V-2 project) did helped significantly in the R-1 development, especially in gyroscopy which the Soviets lagged behind.

Also, the German scientists were treated very well by Stalin, and even as their program was being ended in Gorodomlya Island, they were given generous compensations for their relocation back to East Germany. However, the Soviet scientists (under the leadership Korolev) wanted to make their indigeous rockets (R-2) and so the German research team in the Gorodomlya Island was mostly restricted to theoretical development, with no means of experimentally testing their theoretical findings, so their G-1 rocket development remained stuck.

Eventually the Soviet scientists already learned how to do everything by themselves (by which point, the R-2 was already much superior to the original German V-2 rocket) and no longer needed the Germans, so their program ended.

Copied and pasted from a past comment of mine:

The entire V-2 team under von Braun from Peenemunde surrendered to the Americans on May 2, 1945 and brought with them more than 400 core scientific-technical employees, full documentation and reports and more than 100 intact copies of the A4/V-2 rockets ready to be shipped to the front, together with the combat launchers and the military personnel trained to operate the missiles.

The Peenemunde site was by then already deliberately destroyed to prevent anything useful from falling into the Soviet hands.

Operation “Ost” did happen, however, but the highest ranked German scientist they managed to recruit was Helmut Grottrup, who was von Braun’s deputy for missile radio-control and for electrical systems. He had claimed to be an anti-fascist, we may never know the truth, but he was indeed imprisoned by the Nazis for a time.

The vast majority of the German specialists who worked for the Soviets were not former associates of von Braun in Peenemunde, but were instead introduced to rocket technology when the Soviets established the Institutes RABE and Nordhausen in Germany after winning the war.

Werner von Braun later remarked:

“… the USSR nevertheless succeeded in acquiring the chief electronics specialist Helmut Gröttrup… But he was the only important catch from among the Peenemünde specialists.”

Other German scientists who worked for the Soviets such as Kurt Magnus and Hans Hoch (leading academics in gyroscopy) as well as Manfred von Ardenne (later awarded Hero of Socialist Labor) came from the academia and adjacent industries, and were not members of the Nazi Party.

They also managed to recruit workers and technicians who were POWs liberated from the Dora concentration camp (which supplied personnel for the notorious Mittelwerk factory, where von Braun had committed crimes against humanity including the torture, beatings and execution of the prison labor). Many of the POWs were involved in the sabotage of the A4 (V-2) rocket production at Mittelwerk, and resulting in substantial proportion of misfires and inaccurate flight trajectory when the Nazis used the rockets against England.

In other words, the Soviets had to reverse engineer pretty much everything from scratch (the R-1, which is the copy of A4/V-2), while the Americans got everything they needed. The Americans only fired the V-2 a few times, and then went on with their own “hybrid” designs such as the Navaho, Aerobee and Viking.

And in spite of all this, with such overwhelming advantage, the Americans still LOST the race against the USSR. The R-7 became the world’s first ICBM to be launched in 1957.

To put it in the terminology of you computer nerds, the Americans got the entire core dev team, with the complete source code and full documentations, and the whole tech support team, while the Soviets had to work with and piece together information from third party developers, and still raced ahead of the Americans.

[–] 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The complete financialization of the US economy.

Nearly every single S&P500 company is majority owned by institutional investors, with 88% of them having one of the Big Three (Vanguard, Black Rock and State Street) as their top investor, and with the only exceptions being Tesla, Amazon, Alphabet, Berkshire Hathaway, Facebook, Oracle, Walmart, Comcast and Kraft-Heinz where insiders are still the top shareholders. The Big Three has 15-20% controlling stakes in nearly every large American corporation, and through the means of coordinated proxy voting, dictates the policies of the board of directors.

These institutional investors are financial capitalists who see the companies as investment vessels, not as industrial capitalists who want to grow their respective industries. They could not care less if the companies go bankrupt as long as they see a return in short term profit. Vanguard, for example, has a deep $7.7 TRILLION assets and do not care at all if some of their businesses go down.

Then you have private equity firms, also known as “corporate raiders”, who raise high stake loans to perform “leveraged buyouts” of established companies. They conduct “financial engineering” i.e. paying themselves dividends, lower wages and force overtime without pay, layoff employees, skirt labor laws, refuse to honor contracts, strip off assets and saddle the companies with debt until these are forced to declare bankruptcy. Then, like true parasites, they ditch the host and jump on to the next companies to suck off their wealth built up over the past century.

You also have venture capitalist (VC) firms that leveraged Obama’s Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) era after 2009 to raise easy capital to profit from tech/software companies. You can read this article about how Andreesen Horowitz perform their operations to destroy software startups:

The thing about these two strategies for VC is that they both can turn a profit. That second one, though, works a little differently than the first. Regardless of whether the company succeeds, pumping its valuation before selling your shares can mean you will make money, even if the business itself doesn’t survive in the long term. But hyping a startup isn’t something a VC can do alone. He needs help. He needs the media.

It happened to Groupon. It happened to Substack. It happened to Imgur. And many others, and it will happen to Reddit and all other software companies in America.

This is by no means only restricted to software companies though, for the rot of finance capitalism had already been sown since Reagan’s and Clinton’s deregulation era that massively expanded Wall Street’s influence, and subsequently fueled most prominently by Obama’s low interest rate monetary policy for them to encroach into every crevices of American industries.

Cisco, used to be the world’s leading telecommunications company, now a shadow of its former self after being financialized by Wall Street.

Boeing, used to be the world’s leading aviation engineering company, now churning out defective products that nearly never happened in its history, after being financialized by Wall Street.

Intel, used to be the world’s semiconductor pioneer, now struggling to keep up with Taiwan’s TSMC and South Korea’s Samsung, after being financialized by Wall Street.

And this is the fate of America - a financial oligarchy will continue to devour and strip off every remnant of the American industries built up over the past centuries, and there is nothing to stop this in its tracks.