Yes, exactly, thanks for summing it up so concisely!
Where did I even mention exercise and diet?
This was 20-25 years ago, I don't think it matters anymore, but I appreciate the sentiment lol
I somehow managed to get through to a radio show that was having a giveaway, and answered their question correctly. I won tickets to a concert, and a load of their sponsor's merch. I was still young, but even then I knew my luck was shit, so I was really excited even though I didn't like the band I was going to see lol
Didn't matter.
The tickets arrived the day after the concert had happened, and the merch was all either factory seconds or used (so all slightly damaged in some way - a stain, an undone seam, a broken clasp). I tried calling to let them know, but all they did was send another load of damaged merch.
Off the top of my head, that's the one and only thing I've ever won.
I really do have shit luck lol
This made me think of
Also, fuck trying to inflict ABA sort of bullshit on ADHD'rs as well as autists, it's ableist from the core and is all about making us "productive members" of ableist capitalist society, rather than happy well cared for individuals, and is a huge contributor to stress and feelings of inadequacy and of being burden.
Sure, coping strategies are good and important, but they should solely be to benefit the patient, not make the patient more beneficial (and acceptable) to others.
The more inclusive and accessible society is, the less stress marginalised people are exposed to for being "other".
Lmfao, you seriously underestimate the cognitive dissonance it takes to function at that level. If anything, he's probably even more convinced that he is the saviour of humanity than some random business owner.
The rich love convincing themselves (and the general population) that the working class and therefore society at large depends entirely on them and on their gracious "job creating" generosity to not only survive, but exist.
In reality it is the exact opposite that is true - without the workers to exploit, they are nothing, and if the workers of the world unite, we can get rid of them, and their oppressive systems, for good.
Imagine the shock and awe they would experience when that finally happens.
Lol at Errol Musk supposedly not being a piece of shit because he was a member of a progressive party at one point, undoubtedly to serve his own financial interests and reputation, and not because he suddenly decided that exploiting oppressed people in his emerald mine (and other businesses) was bad.
He also married his stepdaughter, who he ~~raised~~ groomed from when she was 4.
He also apparently supported trump before musk jr. ever did - (if anyone wants to actually watch the full interview where he apparently "discussed his family’s ties to the South African apartheid regime" among other things, and report back, you're more than welcome, but I ain't doing it lol)
They both have zero redeeming qualities.
pEOpLe rEFuSINg To bE aROunD NAzIs aRe the ONeS whO crEAte ThE reAL hOSTILitY 🙄
None of those ever existed to protect you.
Might be why they haven't done it in a while.
That, or the numbers are simply growing faster than the creator can keep up, which is just as depressing..
Any idea what the giant one sided q-tip looking thing is? Top right in OP, top left in second image. Other than that the only really concerning item to me is that massive knife.
Good on him for being comfortable enough to have it all out in the open I guess, as long as there aren't kids around.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯