
joined 9 months ago
[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago (14 children)

Ok,then I guess I believe in a soul or something like it apparently

Because I care more about the continuity of my consciousness rather than a data archive existing after my expiration date

Don't get me wrong,it's good for future generations to have access to that knowledge,but I can't help but think that the spark within me that is alive right now would be gone

Hell,no way to know if either of us are wrong,and I do see your point,but I just think that unless you ensure the continuity of consciousness,what you're gonna get is a new being,very similar to me, but never really "me" so to speak

Also,not to sift through old struggle sessions,but I can't help but think a certain killer of Kissinger would not look favorably upon that take (or not,never interacted that much with the person)

[–] 8 points 3 weeks ago (21 children)

I'm a bit out of my depth here,but while this sounds like a nice idea and all,how would I get to experience that nice immortality myself? I understand your point about sleep,but at least there you have some continuity,that being that your consciousness exists within your body,whereas a digital copy has little to no continuity with what's here right now.

I mean,I get why it wouldn't matter to other people,they'd see no difference,but if I go lights out in the physical world and the copy lives on in some metaverse heaven,how would that have saved me personally? For all intents and purposes what would be out there would be reflection taking my place in the world after I'm gone. A good copy,but for me it's a copy nonetheless. I mean,it's great that some copy of me would be existing out there having fun,but it's not so great for me the human,being dead and all.

[–] 1 points 4 weeks ago

Yeah,but a lot of them regret that

[–] 10 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Well,like the Ukrainians,the Canadians have a shitload of nazis too,many of them Ukrainian ironically enough

Problem is,the US can't draw on its historical memory of killing nazis like the remnants of the greatest fascist killing machine,the Soviet Union,can