
joined 7 hours ago
[–] -3 points 5 hours ago

yes 100% its the same liberal jerk-off fuckfest with nonstop canadians clamoring for war and getting off on their arm chair general war fantasies... goddam real life Gravy SEALs just fucking annoying. Truth is the same except for illiterate maga twats... really would enjoy somewhere in the middle for fucks sake

this extreme epidemic of retards is exhausting

[–] -1 points 5 hours ago

you are absolutely fucking delusional

[–] 3 points 5 hours ago

thats what you take issue with...? jfc
tell me you are dense without saying it... you are rigjt, we should have statistaically and accurately compared every single border relationship tonsee if this was true.. i mean come the fuck on, it has been one of the most peaceful borders. Outrage here is ridiculous