That's an optimistic timeline.
At the current pace I'll give it till June.
That's an optimistic timeline.
At the current pace I'll give it till June.
Man look at Kissinger and the Bush Family.
If you've got a high enough body count you just live forever.
Spoiler - It'll be a Chinese company.
100% agree
You do realized that's based as hell right?
China steals from the west and uses it to improve their peoples lives instead of just squeezing them for every filthy penny possible?
You do understand that's a moral, ethical, and economic China W don't you?
That's the free market at work baby. Regs for thee but not for mee.
Oh no is the widdle data thief mad his stolen data was stolen?
Someone call the waaambulance.
Thank you very much.
Gimme a list.
And they do that because of decades of propaganda and being lied to by cunts.
They're as much victims of this shit as the people they've been told to hate.
You and I have more in common with the most rabid chud on this continent than we do with oligarchs like Musk and Zucc or carpetbaggers like Trump.
Be mad. Go through those stages. But when shit gets bad and they turn on him. Don't go wagging a finger. Offer a hand instead.
Now that's an amazing headline.
Now this is gonna sound crazy. But if you actively improve the material conditions of people's lives I'm pretty sure they'll vote for you.