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[–] 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

I definitely agree that copyright is a good half century in need of an update. Disney company and other contemporaries should never have been allowed the dominance and extension of copywrite that allows what feels like ownership of most global artistic output. They don't need AI, they have the money and interns to create whatever boardroom adjusted art they need to continue their dominance.

Honestly I think the faster AI happens, the more likely it is that we find a way out of the social and economical hierarchical structure that feels one step from anarcho-capitalistic aristocracy.

I just hope we can find the change without riots.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (4 children)

And you violate copyright when you think about copywritten things alone at night.

I violate copyright when i draw Mario and don't sell it to anybody.

Or these are dumb stretches of what copyright is and how it should be applied.

the reasoning in this article is dumb and all over the place.

Seems like gary marcus being gary marcus.

Already seen openAI calling out some of the bullshit specifically noted in this. That doesn't matter though, damage is done and people WANT to believe ai is terrible in every way.

Everyone is just deadfast determined to climb onto the gary marcus unreasonable AI hate train no matter what.

[–] 2 points 9 months ago

God I want some large projects by independent teams. It's impossible to do anything without a sponsor, but this might be what we need for smaller groups to create wonderful complex works of art, instead of cookiecutter boardroom content machines that currently flood almost all available commercial artistic spaces.

Can't wait to see how the tech develops. It's be curious to do VR experience recreations of my dreams through AI dictation.

Modelling, rigging, animation and the like are all coming. Imagine walking around a world being crafted and changed as you describe each element to be exactly what you are looking for.

I think it would capture more artist intent than the unnecessary interface of archaic tools that create an artificial interface and challenge between you and your vision.

Especially if you've damaged your digits, or otherwise lack digital dexterity.

But change scares people. Especially ones who have put in effort to conform to the current economic system corporate art creators.

[–] 2 points 9 months ago (3 children)

That's already the system outside of creating what rich people want. An entire team of artists creating boardroom directed art is much less art to me than a single creative using AI to bring their personal vision to life.

Hopefully individual artists can do more with these tools, and we can all hope for a world where artists can be supported to have the ability and freedom to create apart from the whims of the wealthy.

Starving artist is a term for a reason. Technology has never been the real problem.

[–] 5 points 10 months ago

Wouldn't put it past bezos for being responsible for the megastructure

[–] 2 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The real solution is to solve the power imbalance. What percentage of creative media is controlled by the already obscenely wealthy? We don't want "non infringing proprietary models" to be the only legal models, because then the only ones with access to such powerful tools are the ones that can afford the Adobe art tax.

We need to hold our governments accountable to hold the oligarches accountable for imbalancing the power struggles to an unethical degree. The common people have received no benefit from technological improvement based productivity gain in the past 50 years and this will only get worse until it is fixed in drastic fashion

The common people need a GUARANTEE to benefit from productivity increases. Unions are also good, but nothing is being done about unethical anti-union campaigning from those with already imbalanced amounts of power and influence.

Yadda yadda. Going after open source models ain't gonna help. I'm fine pushing for special forgiveness for open models, but don't just put the ball into the hands of the people who can afford proprietary datasets.

[–] 7 points 10 months ago

Left /r/canada because all of the racially/bigotry motivated posts I was seeing.

Got banned from ogft for suggesting that racially/bigotry motivated posts aren't excused when the target is the group you decide is the "bad group." and that saying such a thing is not advocating defense of the bad actors on the other side doing the same thing.

I guess just looking for a place to discuss Canadian things without people attacking others for their body they were born into, or things they otherwise have no control over is just a pipe dream.

Imagine treating unique individuals as unique individuals, and not defining them or yourself entirely by the bodies you were born into.

Im sorry my opinions are so spicy.

[–] 10 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

People's perspective is killing their sense of awe.

While our economic system is grand in ensuring our experience of life doesn't improve, technology has gotten kind of crazy and awesome.

They could release an agi next year, and unless it affected people's work life balance, people would just immediately get used to it and think it's boring.

Will generative AI still kill our sense of awe when video game characters can naturally and accurately respond how you would expect?

I would never get bored of it. The majority of people would find it a boring novelty after a couple days because we are good at getting used to things and people don't want to recognize the fact. We will have full fantastical worlds to explore and people will still find reason to be salty because it's made with the help of evil computers.

I'm personally eager for a life where my recreational experiences aren't defined by companies like Disney. Smaller artists with these powerful tools will be able to create wonderful unique experiences without the ball and chain of media oligarches.

We have more control than we think of our sense of awe.

Maybe it's time for a new perspective on art and industry.

[–] 18 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (4 children)

Hey shill here. I also shill for other artistic tools like cameras and CGI. Got a lot of hate back when CGI and digital painting were still controversial. Don't know if such "art" will ever truly be accepted by the art police, i guess AI art tools will join them.

Personally I think independent artists can accomplish much more with tools like these than they could just pretending to be a Disney art director with all the pretend Disney interns not actually helping their vision come to life.

I like when art isn't monopolized by the ones with all the money. I also like when we allow open models that aren't proprietary adobe subscriptions.

Also this thread is hilarious. OpenAI are literally asking to be regulated by more democratic external bodies. They've been making every effort one could expect on this front, but I guess that doesn't matter?

It's like when Altman went to the senate and said "regulate larger and more capable models like we will have, but don't stifle and limit open source and smaller startups"

And everyone started bashing openAI for encouraging regulation of open source.

If I'm a brain dead tech bro, at least I have decades of familiarity with art, copywrite woes, and AI/ML. Back in school I was just called a nerd, but I guess that framing doesn't really work these days so i need to be compared to frat bro adventure capitalists every time I have an opinion that's not negative to new technologies.

[–] 0 points 10 months ago

the the problem of analogy is applicable to more than one task. your point is moot.

for it to be intelligent enough to be a "super intelligence" it would require systems for weighting vague liminal concept spaces. rather, several systems that would prevent that style of issue.

otherwise it just couldn't function as well as you fear.

[–] -4 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (4 children)

For a system to be advanced enough to be that dangerous, it would need the complex analogical thought that would prevent this type of misunderstanding. Rather, such dumb super intelligence is unlikely.

however, human society has enabled a paperclip maximizer in the form of profit maximizing corporate environments.

[–] 3 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Hey! Artist here. I love drawing. My hands go numb within minutes and they shake more every year. I appreciate having a tool and medium that allows great artistic control despite these facts.

Now, if you're really butthurt about the training data you can use adobe's proprietary model. I for one think it's good that peasants have an open available tool that isn't owned by adobe, even if it was trained less proprietarily.

This anger about it reminds me of deviant art artists getting mad at each other for "copying my style"

And the fact that copywrite used to be about the general good, and promotion of creative works.

This world needs new artistic priorities. Pen and paper aren't losing their place, but new tech will lead to independent artists creating entire movies, games, and holodeck style experiences without looming overhead of whatever art oligarch holds the funding.

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