
joined 4 years ago
[–] -1 points 2 months ago
[–] -1 points 2 months ago (4 children)

It's a brand new, highly competitive technology and ChatGPT has first mover status with a trailer load of capital behind it. They are going to burn a lot of resources right now to innovate quickly and reduce latency etc If they reach a successful product-market-fit getting costs down will eventually be critical to it actually being a viable product. I imagine they will pipe this back into ChatGPT for some sort of AI-driven scaling solution for their infrastructure.

TL;DR - It's kind of like how a car uses most of it's resources going from 0-60 and then efficiencies kick-in at highway speeds.

Regardless I don't think they will have to worry about being profitable for a while. With the competition heating up I don't think there is any way they don't secure another round of funding.

[–] -1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I only know of Vance what I've read in the last week or so but this is more bloviation and less actual journalism.

Trump’s veep pick overcame generational poverty and a dysfunctional family. But the life lessons he celebrates are a dead end for the rest of us.

The author never explains why JD's ideas are dead ends.

Vance outlines the only two principles he feels are important: get more money, get more power.

If you actually want to change things this is great advice.

But, he spends the majority of his political tirades against individuals themselves describing how people become reliant on a welfare state and become lazy, self-hating, and apathetic as a result.

I'd have to read his actual words to know whether this is an accurate summary. I know that his tech bro backers would probably agree with the idea that the welfare state is expensive, poorly managed and a net negative in it's current state.

Much of his rage towards immigrants...

He married an immigrant.

Vance is a new type of masculine heroine that views his brain as his greatest asset...

Having self-control, intellect and being industrious has always been a part of a healthy masculine identity. Not sure what he means by "new".

and wants taxes to stop limiting his use of it.

If you are smart and want to use your resources to change things then taxes get in your way. If on top of that you think taxes are wasted by being sent to foreign countries or subsidizing the unlawful entry and residence of foreigners on American soil then you will want to stop paying them entirely. (He talked about this a bit in his speech)

I recommend this article if you want insight on what makes him tick.

[–] 0 points 2 months ago

Be honest. You were shitting on conservatives not agreeing with me.

[–] 0 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Failure to change with the times and to learn from scientific advancements and social improvements is a conservative trait.

Literally lolled at this. This post is in response to a "far right" Elon Musk who owns the first company to ever fire a rocket into space, retrieve and reuse it. I'm sure he's just taking credit for all the bleeding heart liberal geniuses working under him.

Is not changing your opinions with time and new info a respectable way to live your life?

🥱 Wow way to load your rebuttal to make yourself seem so erudite and above it all. The reality is that a ton of the "new info" turns out to be proven false or even to be outright lies. The reality is that you should be incredibly suspicious of "new info" because chances are it hasn't been properly vetted and could be driven by an agenda similar to how companies fund research to prove their desired conclusions.

[–] 0 points 2 months ago

you're massively misunderstanding the whole political spectrum but i don't have the energy

I understand that politics is multi-faceted however the chart I responded to is 2D.

maybe we should give this whole "having black people freely move around" a second thought, what do you think?

Because that's what I'm saying 🙄 Calling someone a racist or a nazi for not hating all of human history is a low-tier cop out but go ahead and take your upvotes.

liberals are not and have never been left wing

Remember I responded to a meme chart

Also for every inch the democrats have moved to the left, republicans have moved a mile to the right

Literally just an opinion.

[–] 0 points 2 months ago (8 children)

This is true though. 1992 Bill Clinton would be a republican today. Biden supported a 1994 crime bill that is considered racist today. Obama didn't support gay marriage in 2008. Now liberals are fighting for sex change treatments for children. People 30 years ago would consider such an idea a grotesque absurdity.

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

Lol this is exactly where my mind went

[–] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

confuse and demoralize

Oh man now I'm a Russian disinfo agent

Discourages participation in the democratic process

Uh. As opposed to what? Pretending that a privileged oligarchy doesn't exist? The bedrock of the democratic process is free exchange of information, no matter how inconvenient, and the enforcement of laws. Without one we are in danger. Without either we aren't a democracy.

Truth matters

The "truth" is that Joe Biden is a member of a protected class. Despite enormous circumstancial evidence (including bank records indicating payments in excess of $20 million to Bidens family and associates) his house hasn't been raided, his devices haven't been seized, he hasn't been brought in for questioning or made in anyway to feel uncomfortable outside of the headaches related to his son.

That's why there is 'no evidence'.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Lol good one it's like you missed the entire point of my post.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (4 children)

Well is there any evidence?!

The title of the article is literally about the oversight committee demanding communication records as recently as last fall.

Biden is a uniparty member and for all of this smoke he was never properly investigated by the justice department at home or abroad. Every inquiry is some anemic posturing.

Special counsel David Weiss let Hunter Biden's most egregious financial crimes elapse past the statute of limitations -- convenient. Hunter was making millions overseas in Ukraine and moving it through Romania and China. He wasn't investigated for years until he ended up picking up a gun charge.

Why would an energy company in Ukraine pay Hunter Biden, a crack smoking drug addict, 50-80k a month if not for political access or a quid-pro-quo? Who is "the big guy" in Hunter Bidens email? Why were they trying to give him a plea deal that would absolve him of everything last July? If this were anyone that was not a member of the privileged class they wouldn't be able to move due to all the investigation instead you are labeled as crazy for thinking this is old fashioned political corruption.

Wikipedia dismisses it as a Russian disinfo conspiracy theory. Where have we heard that before? 🤔

It goes back to my original point these people are above the law.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Judging by the article its purpose is to improve power availability during peak load times.

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