Well the UK kinda was responsible for the insane economic sanctions that were put on Germany after the war.
It’s a humorous poem done with beat poetry (I think I don’t know much about poetry)using African instruments discussing gender identity and sexuality. It’s worth the click and doesn’t take long.
Or read some of Phillip K Dicks books I’d also add the film Brazil to that list
Meh. Most countries round the world seem to suffer from the same problems to me. Sometimes the jack boot on your neck presses down more. Sometimes less.
Honestly I’m not the biggest fan of everything in China but these are the types of problems the Chinese government seems to try to figure out a lot more than our governments do.
Chronically unemployed
It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal. Henry Kissinger
Not to mention planning for nuclear reactors will be pretty fucking difficult seeing as the climate is about to break down. Why can’t I just say one leader of a European country say we need to fucking pump carbon out of the air. No instead all we get is bullshit bullshit and more bullshit.
No problem, I’m just so doxed already that I kinda forget that the whole internet was made to spy on people.
No problem, it’s one of the best things I’ve seen on the internet in a while.
The world will be a lot safer if we all have big sticks we can use to hit each other with.