There are hundreds of parties in China. The CPC is the starting point, the base set of ideas you have to uphold to hold office. It's the same as swearing to uphold the constitution in the US.
Given you can't define either and this instance isn't capable of hosting this discussion, it's not worth discussing.
You weren't a part of a communist nation.
We're on .world, which has covered up the Israeli genocide of Palestinians and is about to require all posts be congruent with the US government standard of facts; as such you've reached the end of the discussion that can be done on this instance. I'm happy to continue on a better instance not run in a fascist country, or in private messaging.
One down...
Not really, most other countries revolted and enshrined human rights,and even started to try reparations for their crimes. The US doubled down by medically experimenting on the black population after WWII.
China has a robust democracy where every citizen can vote. It's a dictatorship of the proletariat. The reason you think differently is because you've never talked with someone that's ever been to China, much less a citizen of China, so you internalized racist propaganda.
You're joking, right? Nazi Germany wishes they could commit genocide in the scale of the early US.
Yeah, those benefiting from a system of oppression tend not to want to tear it down, luckily they'll be suffering like their brothers have been pretty soon.
18% is easily able to be made up by the remaining members, China will likely make up most of that just as a way to step more into the role of hegemon after the us fully exits it's role.
The US doesn't have billions of citizens.
.world admins are based in the US and all infrastructure is based in the US, meaning sooner or later it will get the Tiktok treatment wherein either it's shut down or has to promote and censor what the US govt wants. In the US, via meta, x, or Tiktok you can't search the phrase 'Donald trump rigged the election' it will show no results. The first act of censorship of the new admin.