
joined 6 years ago

@Diplomjodler3 Yeah, that's where I was reposting it from. I was trying to cite the source, not realizing that was reposting it. I edited my original post so hopefully it doesn't carry through any further.

@wingsfortheirsmiles Up until last week, I was getting by pretty well, but now...

*sighs in 2D*


Good mor---

Good afternoon, :QuarteredCircle: Radians!

If it weren't for the sleeping in on a Sunday I wouldn't be getting enough sleep. Today I've got a Silat class to teach, then D&D. I am hoping the craptastic video issue stays quite enough for my game, then I can re-attack that in the morning. I did love the fact that thanks to @linuxmemes, I feel seen.

@Nmyownworld Whenever I have solved some weird tech issue, my first instinct is to throw my hands up and shout "Qapla'!"

(It's the pose from the end of Goldeneye, so I am clearly aware of how quickly my fortune can turn.)