
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Sorry, I missed this comment until now. Thanks for the tip, I'll check Zen out.

The multi window feature I mentioned in Chrome is for foldable phones. Chrome allows you to open two separate instances and have them on either side of your screen; much like you can do on a desktop. I love the multi tasking aspect foldable phones allow, but very few apps allow you to have two instances of them running like that.

[–] 9 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Firefox because it's plugins make mobile browsing bareable. I have a folding phone so I wish that Firefox would hurry up and copy Chrome's multi window feature, and then it would be the perfect browser for me.

I use Firefox on desktop too, but I've been experimenting with Arc the last few weeks to see what the fuss is about.

[–] 8 points 6 months ago (2 children)

I used to use this one...but for some reason I just never found any of the settings made it as noticeable and useful as an actual notification LED so I just switched to using an always on display.

I too miss notification LEDs...yet another thing sacrificed to the alter of bezelless design.

[–] 6 points 7 months ago

Another vote from me for out and almond milk. If you do any kind of milk steaming or latte art then oat is great for that...and I just like the flavour of almond milk. It's really nice with breakfast cereals too as it adds a nice nutty flavour to everything.

There is nothing wrong with Soy milk, but with coffee you have to be careful you don't curdle it due to the high temperature.


Looking for some troubleshooting advice. I've had to spend a lot of time away from home lately so haven't been taking as good care of my Wilfa Uniform grinder as much as I usually do, so I gave it a rather thorough clean at the weekend after months of just letting it build up.

On Monday I noticed that when grinding it sounds like it's struggling; as if there's a bean in there that's catching and throwing things off every second or so, even when there are no beans in there. It's not a motor whine or anything like that; the only way I can describe it is it sounds like it's grinding on empty, and then suddenly coming into contact with something every now and then. I've opened it up and cleaned it out again and there's no signs of a anything obstructing the burrs, and no sign of damage. It still seems to be grinding fine, but the sound is pretty worrying.

I think I might have accidentally cleaned off some of the lubricant on the ball bearings, but this is purely just a guess. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance!