This only works if you go to the green countries:
Edit: Source
Maar een tegenstander van een ban stelt: „Boycot liever alle nutteloze rommel die uit China komt.”
(Someone against a ban says: "Boycott all the useless stuff from China")
Why not both?
I did find out and do sorta use it now! Still don't agree with the name though
Understandable, most car companies have garbage software (the Yaris I drive now included). Tesla is just leagues ahead at this point and I hope VW is gonna improve a lot looking at their mockups
I really don't mind it, having driven a Tesla for a year it wasn't bad at all.
This is why I'm more looking forward to the id.2, this actually looks like a good one for the price
There's also an ID.2all that's more geared towards the masses:
Personally this car would cover any drive I do except going to my parents and back (where I'd have to charge... at home here and at my parents there... so still fine really)
No clue honeslty, I'd assume those repacks are targeted towards windows mainly but honestly I think you'll find your answer on the FMHY discord by asking there.
Well, for the 1 game I play with a kernal anti cheat (valorant) I gotta say the game is surprisingly good and not having cheaters, certainly compared to my CSGO experience.
Its 100% just not playing kernal anti cheat games. Its just valorant left, and I just cannot drop it as its the main game I play with a really good friend of mine that I enjoy hanging out with.
I just hope windows 1 day also doesn't allow kernal anti cheats, and that makes it so games can suddenly run on linux as well.
I have a steam deck but dunno why I would use it at home just to not use windows. A steam deck IS linux and doesn't support kernal anti cheats and its a lot less powerful than my pc.
I do use it on the road, vacations, etc tho and its a great machine!
What a chad move