I mean, I’m cool with redrawing the Canadian border… as long as we add the West Coast to Canada.
joined 2 years ago
Just checking my recollection. G.I. Joe had the hovercraft and Cobra had the hydrofoil right? Did anyone ever make a stadium sized hydrofoil?
Spoiler. This is exactly what it’s like having kids.
That’s pretty great. I was just expecting this to be a clickbait letdown, but they seemingly found the right geometry for a sustainable energy solution that’s works for a specific industry. I call it a win!
That seems reasonable. I think I’ll throw in my social security number and DNA sample for good measure… just in case they need it.
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens. That fucking oompa-loompa blowhard talks loud but needs to STFU.