First panel: rage comic happy face says
I'm tired of trash food. I'm going to go to this new restaurant, I've heard it's a good deal.
Second panel: rage comic happy face at a table and rage comic smiling face waiter say:
Hello. I would like to eat. Surprise me!
Oui, monsieur! These dishes will pleasure you!
Third panel: rage comic happy face at a table says:
Wow, look at this place! It can't be fancier, the employees are respectful, and I bet the meals are yummy too.
Fourth panel: no more rage comic happy face, but rage comic inquiring face looks at his plate, and talks to rage comic smiling face waiter:
What in the fuck is this?
This, monsieur, is a texture of cheese on a molecular sphere of sea essence, and two deconstructed peaches. Bon appétit.
Fifth panel: Yao Ming says:
while he's surrounded by burgers, hot dogs, donuts, french fries...
No, it doesn't.
Source: I'm from Spain.