And some genetic mutationa in between
XXY - Klinfelter syndrome
XXXY - no idea how this is called
X -Turner syndrome
XX intersex
XY intersex
And true gonadal intersex
And still these are medical conditions, a man on drugs wearing a wig is still a man, and a woman on drugs to grow facial hair is still a woman.
What is the 3rd gender that one can "transition" to?
Does one need to take drugs to impede their biological physiology to work properly if they want to "transition"?
If one stops taking hormonal drugs what will happen?
Any individual can have different traits:
a woman can be agressive, impatient with kids and mean
a man can be a good cook, can like to clean take care of kids and easy to scare
a woman can be good at fighting and assertive
a man can have mood swings
Nothing of what I said makes anyone less of a man or woman, they are EXACTLY what they were born with whatever masculine or feminine traits they have.
Yeah, and those are malformations and genetical defects that come with a lot of problems.
I don't know why people glorify them... Also, there is absolutely no way that a man born with XY magically will change it in their lifetime as the posts sugests.
So we agree that there are
XX - woman XY - man
And some genetic mutationa in between XXY - Klinfelter syndrome XXXY - no idea how this is called X -Turner syndrome XX intersex XY intersex And true gonadal intersex
And still these are medical conditions, a man on drugs wearing a wig is still a man, and a woman on drugs to grow facial hair is still a woman.
It's a he and a she regardless