I enjoyed my time with Redfall. The gunplay wasn't anything special, but the atmosphere was great. I loved the setting and soundtrack. I thought the art style was cool, and I liked the little bits of lore you could pick up.
The final update brought some big QoL changes to the game. I just look at present day Fallout 76, which launched in an even worse state and wonder what could have became of Redfall if Microsoft hadn't fired everyone.
I finished Tape 1 of Lost Records: Bloom & Rage
Chill game. Named my cat Pumpkin. I'm interested in seeing where the story takes me in April.
Really like the idea of using the camcorder to record collectibles and make memoirs, though I did have an issue with some scenes I filmed not saving properly. I'd shoot something, then in a future chapter the scene in the edit menu would be replaced with a white square and the footage would be gone. Didn't prevent me from progressing the story or unlocking any achievements, but not being able to watch some of my completed memoirs was disappointing.
No other issues.