What conclusion am I jumping to? The psychological effects of promiscuous lifestyles are well documented. Sex workers across all domains of the industry have massively elevated rates of suicide, depression, and various severe disorders including schizophrenia or drug abuse disorders. And in the documentary she herself admits that she is not screening these men and is exposing herself to great risk. Obviously, she is engaging in self-destructive behavior. And obviously, those around her who are enabling this behavior are doing so for pure profit with no concern for her. She clearly needs help.
joined 2 weeks ago
I could feel myself getting dumber reading this.
this is not established economics. It's labor theory of value derived by Marx that was never fully accepted, and was thoroughly debunked like 80 years ago at the latest.
people become billionaires through wage theft.>
Ok Karl Marx.
yeah this is like saying Elon Musk is a "good billionaire" because all his money is just stock and he doesn't own any lavish mansions or whatever.
Ha! as if that'll ever happen.
don't get me started on bullets.
Obviously plenty of them do. Plenty of men hate porn and don't watch it, and plenty more men are trying to quit, and still plenty more can have their mind changed by having awareness raised. It's not advertising for her product, its spreading awareness to help stop it.