
joined 1 year ago

tl;dr: I'm about to publish my first urban fantasy book, Hispania Obscura, set in Madrid and the Iberian Peninsula. And I've written a short story set in the same story universe so people can get a taste of the style. It's only in Spanish for now, but I hope some of you can enjoy it still.

Hello everyone.

After much more effort than I thought it would take, but at the same time with much better resulting quality, I have published the first book of an urban fantasy series set in present-day Spain. It's called Hispania Obscura.

Yes, it will be available only in Spanish for now. I didn't want to use any kind of AI or similar tool to translate it because I want my words to remain mine, and still haven't been able to find a good, professional, translator (that I can afford). But if you, or someone you know, can read in Spanish, then hopefully you will find this take on the genre from a hispanic perspective refreshing and interesting. The book follows the style of the Rivers of London and Dresden Files series, but with a definitive cultural twist more akin to Western Europe and, specifically, to the Iberoamerican community.

The people I trusted with the drafts tell me they were pleasantly surprised, that it's a fresh departure from my previous SciFi stories and that they really liked it. (I'm trying to take that as a compliment).

The book will be available on all the usual platforms, both as an ebook and paperback. But in the meantime, I have a short story that can serve as an introduction to the world. It's free to read here:

What I would really appreciate you could do, if possible, is the following:

  1. ⁠Vote for this post so others can see it.
  2. ⁠Help me spread the word with acquaintances or friends you think might like it. This time I have chosen not to use Big Tech socials, so anything that can make it more popular is very helpful.
  3. ⁠Read the sort story if possible, and give me your most sincere feedback. Although, like any author, I would love all comments to be positive, I am also eager for improvement suggestions for future installments.

Thank you very much in advance! And I hope it also cheers you up a bit in these days when the news don't really help that much. And I hope I will be back soon with the final product once it clears the final editorial hurdles.

J.R. Cruciani

[–] 7 points 5 days ago

There's a MacOS app called Exporter that will save all your notes from the Notes app to markdown.