
joined 1 year ago
[–] 7 points 2 months ago (3 children)

I migrated my whole media setup to Stremio earlier this year, it is a fantastic bit of software.

I pay a grand total of about 40/year (for RD and an app I use to stream to on different devices). Theoretically could probably swing it for nothing, but 40 USD is well worth the convenience and improved UI. I know people who pay more than that just for one month of streaming subscriptions.

[–] 8 points 2 months ago

It is pretty recent that taxis started consistently taking credit cards in my country, I used to have to ask everytime I got in as I don't carry much cash. So the currency issue can definitely be a big problem.

Uber has always been way more expensive than taxis here to the point that they are virtually unheard of. If you say Uber, most people think of the food delivery service, not the car rental.

Apparently the high cost was due to taxi lobbies having a lot of sway.

[–] 7 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Tetris I suppose, but that kind of is the low-hanging fruit. Especially since it was basically made by one person who has gone on to be...pretty capitalist.

Disco Elysium is probably the best example, but the developers were basically ousted and the license was usurped. I would suggest finding alternative ways to get the game that won't profit the usurpers.

Dead Cells used to be developed by a workers collective (Motion Twin) though the team that took over (Evil Empire) is not a coop. Motion Twin was still involved in the Evil Empire projects as far as I am aware.

Stray Bombay (The Anacrusis) is organised as a co-op, I think.

[–] 10 points 2 months ago

Welcome, we sometimes get a touch defensive because folks often come in with outright hostile intentions and no desire to learn. However, most of us were probably in the same shoes as you at some point. I am not an admin here but I think I can say you would be welcome as long as you have an open-mind. We don't require people all be MLs (Marxist-Leninist, probably the most common branch of communism most of us subscribe to) necessarily.

I remember back in my social-democrat days coming across some online communist communities that I was initially dismissive of, because of all the anti-communist indoctrination I had been subjugated to all my life. A few conversations lead to reading a few books, lead to where I am now.

A nice thing is we can often criticize each other without becoming instantly defensive, because we generally realise we are all in varying degrees of learning/studying still.

[–] 4 points 2 months ago

I think it depends on what you're looking to do with it. I don't think it is going to replace a full gaming PC for most people, for instance.

I like mine, but it is mostly the "hang out on the sofa" device while my partner is watching TV. I only bring it out of my flat on long trips, with the expectation I will use it in my hotel room. It is too big (and drains battery too fast) to be used on my regular commute. I don't really play games on commutes though.

For that use case, it is fantastic. It does make using anything like a Switch afterwards feel like a child's toy.

It also is fun to tinker with, it is basically just a PC running Linux so there are plenty of other things you can get working on it outside of Steam.

[–] 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Not this one, but a few months ago they started shipping the 3A6000 (on a 7A2000 board) through AliExpress. I am pretty sure we had an article here somewhere about it. They were fairly priced (processor + board for something like 350 USD) but not super high end. Which makes sense, you don't target high end professionals first.

I briefly entertained making my new PC from all Chinese components, but decided to give it some more time. I have little doubt I will be happy to do that not too long from now.

If you want to try it just as a fun project for a secondary PC though, you absolutely can source most of the parts from AliExpress. Russian chiptech isn't to the level of China, so I don't think you will find much there. Not yet at least.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

The only reason we get that is I have the good fortune to be in a high enough position I can push for it. I have no illusions that the higher-ups would okay it if they weren't being forced to. Even then I had to make calls to every office to make sure they were actually following through.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

They pissed off enough of the powers that be (read: corporations) that I would be surprised if they made it through this intact. I wouldn't be surprised if they crashed and got acquired by one of the tech giants. Which I hope is the case, friendly reminder that crowdstrike was one of the key sources of all the russiagate bullshit.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (3 children)

It was. We have basically 100% recovered at this point, but not without exhaustive work from our teams.

I am currently making sure that every property gives their IT proper overtime pay and a vacation. Then I will be doing the same for myself. Hopefully this will also be incentive for properties to actually hire enough IT workers.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

It's a big multinational so those decisions are way up the food chain from me, but my reports and my bosses have all been saying this for years. Hopefully now they listen to us.

[–] 18 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Funfact, we actually opt in to the feature to stay a version behind on updates, specifically to prevent this kind of thing from happening. Turns out that is a fucking lie because we still got this update.

[–] 15 points 2 months ago (8 children)

I work hospitality IT and this has been an absolute nightmare. I think I have got 30 minutes sleep in the past 24 hours, and it's looking like that is going to continue for the next week or so. Days off are straight out the window.

They managed to brick PCs so badly that we have to individually triage servers and endpoints because we can't even get PCs up long enough to deploy the fix*. Lord help if your endpoints are bitlocker encrypted (ours are) as that just adds another fun step. Good chance that you won't have all the recovery keys in that case.

*The fix being literally just deleting the malware they uploaded to our PCs. It takes seconds but the song and dance of getting to that file to delete it is way more involved.

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