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The original was posted on /r/jailbreak by /u/Specific_Sympathy738 on 2024-02-10 01:46:34.
Yeah, I'm sure you see this all of the time but I need to remove the parental controls from my iphone and macbook. I am 17 and need my phone to communicate with people and to do my schoolwork. I need to remove the downtime and app limit feature.
I am not able to reset the screentime password, or factory reset my phone. My parents refuse to enter the password on my phone, so a keylogger or screen recording will not work. I am unable to remove myself from the apple family. I have to send requests to download apps, so that won't work either. They have disabled the feature where I can change the time zone. I am able to download apps on my mac, but only from the web.
I also tried talking to my parents, but they refuse to lift the controls. The phone was a gift from my grandparents, and they pay the bill.
I program in python. Is there a way I can remove these controls? Or is there a command I can put into the terminal on my mac to remove them?