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Shenanigans - one of my most over-used words, it's a pity some word filters screen it out for racism.
Baboon - one of my favourite words to say.
it’s a pity some word filters screen it out for racism.
Wait, what? Why?
Although I have claimed it's because the word is racist against the Irish, it's a Scunthorpe type situation. Nothing that couldn't be fixed by decent regular expressions.
Username checks out.
Careful you don't get yourself banned with all that racist talk though.
Such a great looking word for basically "stuff"
I've been describing a lot of things as "funky" lately.
Swineherd, ineluctable, sprig, ululate, cnidoblast, pompholoogopaphlasmasin.
It lets out a nice amount of frustration when someone’s being a prick.
My favorites are just nonsensical made up words I say when I am talking to my cat.
- Haberdasher
- Penumbra
- Paunch
- Shabba
- Thrice
- Transient
- Ephemeral
- Polychromatic
- Bellend
- T'were
- Widdershins
- Moreso
- Superfluous
- Various combi-swears, such as Twattock
Also, a lot of those sort of words that kind of get made up in the fly, for things which don't really have a name:
- Leanerbackeronnerer (a thing for leaning something back on)
- Putterinnerer (a thing for putting a thing in another thing)
- Doofydiddler (a thingumy, wotsit or doofer)
Exactly. I wish it were more socially acceptable for an adult to shout "Shabba!" at random intervals throughout the working day, but these days I just have to think it and enjoy it quietly to myself.
About 30 years ago, I was told off in French class with the line:
"Shabba bien merci is neither funny nor correct French, Fakeman"
This reminded me of one my mum used to say: "Dooferator"
Haha! That's what my parents used to change the TV channel with :)
Big fan of "Deluge"
Not really a word but the name Swarfega. It's a hand soap used by mechanical engineers to clean oil off their hands.
I liked it so much it's been my online alias for years.
YES!! My grandad (plumber) had a big tub of the green jelly stuff that I loved using! Whenever I finished helping him in the workshop I'd go and put a tiny bit on my hands and WOOSH - clean hands! Happy memories. :)
I find myself saying "really" way too often.
"Moist" is excellent.
Pixilated - not the same as pixelated
I heard people in the UK like tea. These comments seem to tell the opposite, as noone stated tea as their favorite word.
I see your point, but it's not the word we're after. I'd still drink it if they called it "Leaf Coffee" or "Hot Leaf-Juice" etc
I don't trust you, you are a fake man with a pretend name.
It would seem that way, to be fair. Perhaps I've been planted here by The British Tea Foundation?
A Tea plant, perhaps :)