This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.
The original was posted on /r/jailbreak by /u/hydrateMan on 2024-01-31 01:30:03.
`It's that time of the year again -- the over-the-air update blocker profile (tvOS 16 Beta profile) is set to expire TODAY. If you are relying on this profile alone to block updates, your action is required to install the new tvOS 17 Beta profile, or else updates will appear in Settings and your device may update to the latest version without you realizing.
Important: This profile is a little bit different from ones in the past. You need to manually set your system time to before December 14, 2023 or else it will refuse to install. After installing the profile, you may set your time back to normal.
This new profile expires on January 31, 2025 -- mark your calendars!
If you are having trouble accessing the page or installing the profile due to an SSL encryption error because you changed the time, try these steps in order:
- Ensure your time is accurate
- Load the page, ignore the Safari popup
- Set your time back to December 12, 2023
- Hit install profile and it should correctly download
- Find the profile in Settings and install it.
Alternatively, you may try installing the profile from this site which does not use SSL/HTTPS: [url to come]