Tbh, I had previously tried a few times to disentangle the propaganda and understand the Israel-Palestine conflict. Each time, I spent a few hours getting nowhere through decades of "NUH UH", "NO U", "UR MOM". Well, the aftermath of 2023 October 7 changed all that in two parts:
I got on Lemmy and expressed how I wished that Hamas had tried non-violent disobedience and protest instead, and somebody showed me that the last time that was tried (and it was tried fairly recently), the IDF just laughed and killed/injured a fuckton of non-violent protestors. The more I disagreed with people on here, the more I was given very clear evidence that Palestinians are facing extinction at the hands of an ethnostate whether they resist with violence or not.
Basically everything Israel has done since then.
I think I have a much, much clearer picture of the situation now, and it is not favorable towards the government of Israel. I still have zero problem with Jewish people, Jewish people are my homies as much as any other group of people on this planet; my problem is with the government of Israel. They're evil bastards, and if there's any justice in the world, they'll end up in the Hague at some point.