A new Gallup poll has found that fewer than half of all Americans are now sympathetic to Israel.
The percentage of Americans overall who sympathise with Palestinians, thirty-three percent, is at its highest recorded level. Of Democrats, 59 percent sympathise more with Palestinians compared to 21 percent of Democrats who sympathise more with Israelis - the lowest recorded level.
"Although Americans remain more likely to say their sympathies in the Middle East situation are with the Israelis rather than the Palestinians, the 46% expressing support for Israel is the lowest in 25 years of Gallup’s annual tracking of this measure on its World Affairs survey," the report said.
"The previous 51% low point in this trend of Americans’ sympathy for Israelis was recorded both last year and in 2001."
Thank you for outlying what changed your mind and what your previous concerns were. It is very informative to know what caused people to change their mind about stuff.