NYT at the very least underreported on the Holocaust. They have reported unfairly on Palestine. Calling them a rag is unfair to rags, because even dirty rags once served a purpose and have the possibility of usefulness once again. A rag has never stoked hatred of the people I love.
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It fucking kills me that the NYT is basically the de facto source of news in this country. Its the on ramp to a shitty worldview for well meaning but politically unaware people.
Well said
Fantastically well-put.
i wonder if ezra is aware or even cares that he's the sweet mixer to the american imperial consent machine cocktail making the bitter liquor of imperial military interventions that made lies about iraqi wmd's palatable to american audiences and is now working to do the same to latin america; again.
Kicking the can, looking away, and complaining about litter...
That's what mainstream media like NYT do
Great analogy, honestly.
Applicable to the current opposition party too.
it's worse that something like litter: the nyt bald faced manufactured consent for american military intervention into mexico to "protect" americans from fentynal and; at the same time; peddled ezra klein attacking trump as a tyranical king.
Well I'm lack of better comparisons. What's a better one?
there's probably plenty when you consider that it both furthers the aims of the american empire while it's simultaneously extolled by liberals.
my coffee hasn't kicked in yet, so i can't think of one right now.
fucking insane to be reading this when the NYT's transphobic turn spawned this image:
Kinda like all the stories of, "What could possibly be behind the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes?"
I actually fully believe that this specific author is sincere with her criticism because she hasn’t really written any transphobic articles in the past, only positive ones. But she is definitely complicit in all the shit the other authors have done over the years by continuing to write for this shitrag instead of switching to a different newspaper.
At least her child seems to be proper ally though (from another one of her articles):
My own teenager, after hearing me announce that I’d had my first interview with a nonbinary individual whom I proceeded to refer to as “she,” forbade me to schedule my reporting trip to Maryland: “Mom,” she implored me, “you can’t talk to anyone.”
actually fully believe that this specific author is sincere with her criticism because she hasn’t really written any transphobic articles in the past, only positive ones
This is correct, btw
"We thought it was cool until someone we don't like for unrelated reasons started doing it."